Federal authorities alleged in court documents that Tre'Shawn Brooks, 22, of Chesterfield, straw purchased a Pioneer Arms Hellpup 7.62x39 caliber pistol [similar to the one pictured above] from a licensed dealer at a local gun show on Jan. 21, 2021. Brooks then provided the gun to a man described in court documents as "co-conspirator-1," who was not of legal age to buy a handgun.
A Chesterfield County man was charged by federal authorities this week with making straw purchases of four pistols for three different people, including two suspects who were not of legal age to buy a handgun.
Richmond police later recovered one of the guns in a homicide investigation, authorities said in court documents.
On Tuesday, the U.S. Attorney's Office filed a criminal information against Tre'Shawn N. Brooks, 22, on a charge of conspiring to make false statements in acquiring firearms. Brooks purchased the guns from federally licensed firearm dealers but falsely certified that he was the true buyer, authorities said.
Such a transaction is known as a straw purchase, a criminal act in which a firearm is bought by one person on behalf of another who is legally unable to make the purchase themselves.
According to charging documents, a Glock 17 9 mm semiautomatic pistol that Brooks purchased on April 9, 2021, from Town Police Supply in Chesterfield for a person described as co-conspirator 3 was recovered a month later by Richmond police during the execution of a search warrant in a homicide investigation.
Brooks later admitted he had sold the pistol to the person who asked him to buy it, authorities said in court papers.
Brooks purchased at least four guns - and in one case ammunition, too - for three co-conspirators from January through June of 2021. One of the buyers was a minor and another was under the legal age of 21 to purchase a handgun, according to court documents.
In the first case, a person described in court documents as co-conspirator 1 asked Brooks if he'd purchase a gun for him after work. Brooks agreed but during an exchange of text messages, Brooks said he was not going to purchase a gun "in my name for nobody for free." But Brooks said he wouldn't make the co-conspirator "pay full price either," authorities said.
The next day, the co-conspirator texted Brooks, "Ik [I know] exactly what I want....They got my John Wick gun in my favorite color."
Brooks then purchased a Walther 9 mm semiautomatic pistol on Jan. 21, 2021, from Southern Police Equipment in Chesterfield and provided the gun to co-conspirator 1, authorities said in court papers.
Thereafter, Brooks purchased on June 27, 2021 a Pioneer Arms Hellpup 7.62x39 caliber pistol from a licensed dealer at a gun show, which was later provided to co-conspirator 1, authorities said.
On July 21, 2021, law enforcement recovered the two guns Brooks purchased for co-conspirator 1, and Brooks admitted purchasing both for that person because he was not yet 21.
In another case, Brooks agreed to purchase a gun for co-conspirator 2, who was a "minor-aged individual" not eligible to purchase a gun from a licensed dealer, according to court documents.
On June 27, 2021, co-conspirator 2 sent Brooks a text message with the make and model of three guns in which he was interested. Within an hour, Brooks sent the person a text message that he had procured a Taurus 9 mm semiautomatic pistol from iShootFirearms, an online federally licensed dealer. Brooks also purchased ammunition for the gun at the co-conspirator's request, authorities said.
Authorities later recovered the weapon in an enforcement operation.
Brooks is scheduled to appear in U.S. District Court in Richmond on Aug. 9 for a plea agreement hearing.
Richmond singer-songwriter Lucy Dacus is returning to Brown’s Island with Australian artist Courtney Barnett. Dacus grew up in Mechanicsville and attended Maggie Walker and Virginia Commonwealth University. Her latest record, “Home Video,” is inspired by her life in Richmond. Doors open at 5 p.m.; show starts at 6 p.m. Brown’s Island, 5th Fifth Street entrance. $39.50. https://www.thebroadberry.com.
Rita Dove, Pulitzer Prize-winning poet and creative writing professor at the University of Virginia, will visit the Library of Virginia to talk about “Playlist for the Apocalypse,” her first volume of poems in 12 years. From 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the Lecture Hall at the Library of Virginia, 800 E. Broad St. Admission is free, but registration is required. https://lva-virginia.libcal.com/event/8888777
At the Lucky Leaf Cannabis Convention and Expo, which organizers say is the largest of its kind in Virginia, consumers, vendors and growers will gather to explore this emerging industry. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Richmond Convention Center, 403 N.orth 3rd Third St. Registration fee: $35-$499. https://luckyleafexpo.com/richmond/
Two Southern Californian bands, Incubus and Sublime with Rome, will take the stage for performances in the After Hours Concerts series. The rock band Incubus, formed in 1991, is known for its album “Morning View.” Doors open at 5 p.m., and the show starts at 6 p.m. The Meadow Event Park, 13191 Dawn Blvd., Doswell. $49-$129. www.afterhoursconcertseries.com
Beer, bourbon and barbecue lovers are in luck because the annual festival is returning. Spend a day enjoying samples of beer, bourbon and meat and listening to live music. From 2 to 6 p.m. at The Meadow Event Park, 13191 Dawn Blvd., Doswell. Admission is $42. https://richmond.beerandbourbon.com/
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This is a developing story that will be updated.
Federal authorities alleged in court documents that Tre'Shawn Brooks, 22, of Chesterfield, straw purchased a Pioneer Arms Hellpup 7.62x39 caliber pistol [similar to the one pictured above] from a licensed dealer at a local gun show on Jan. 21, 2021. Brooks then provided the gun to a man described in court documents as "co-conspirator-1," who was not of legal age to buy a handgun.
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