The Plastic Free July Challenge started in 2011 and now hundreds of thousands of people from 190 countries take part every year.
It's a personal challenge where people get to spend the month choosing to refuse single-use plastic.
Kimberly Flores, owner of fulFILLed, says single-use plastic - especially small items like straws, bags, and cutlery - are hard to recycle because they fall into the crevices of recycling machinery and therefore are often not accepted by recycling centers.
Kimberly says every minute the equivalent of one garbage truck full of plastic is dumped into our oceans. So much plastic is ending up in the ocean that in just a few years, it's estimated that we might end up with a pound of plastic for every three pounds of fish in the sea.
Here are 10 ways you can join the Plastic Free Challenge:
1. Say "no" to single-use plastics 2. Use a reusable water bottle 3. Bring your own reusable bags to the grocery store 4. Refuse plastic straws 5. Ditch plastic coffee cups 6. Skip the plastic produce bags 7. Refuse plastic cutlery 8. Refill your personal care and household cleaning products w/ bulk options 9. Buy your groceries in bulk to reduce plastic packaging 10. Consider zero-waste swaps when your plastic-packaged products run out
At fulFILLed in Park City, you can bring your bottles to refill. It's a simple process to get all kinds of household supplies from cleaners to shampoo and conditioner to "paper" towels and more.
You can visit them at Park City Outlets at 6699 N. Landmark Drive Suite #G103 in Park City.
Kimberly is playing a Plastic Free July bingo game on her Instagram account. The first person to bingo wins a $50 gift card to fulFILLed. 2nd through 5th place win a $10 gift card.
If you'd like to play, share a photo to your story of each activity you are crossing off and make sure to tag fulFILLed. Tag them 5 times in a row and DM them your crossed off bingo sheet.
For more information please visit: