Rumour: Nintendo To Reveal New Switch Model With Samsung OLED Display And 4K Support - Nintendo Life

2022-05-28 16:56:57 By : Mr. Simon Yang

Mass production of new panels expected to begin this June

We've just reached the four year anniversary of the Nintendo Switch, and admittedly, compared to next-generation devices, the hybrid system is starting to show its age.

How will Nintendo combat a possible decline in sales then? According to a new report from Bloomberg, the video game giant will fight to maintain market dominance this holiday season by unveiling a new Switch model equipped with a "bigger" Samsung OLED display. This new system could sport a "thinner" bezel.

This information comes from people "familiar with the plan" - with Samsung Display Co. to reportedly begin mass production on a 7-inch, 720p-resolution OLED panel as soon as this June. The aim would supposedly be to produce just under a million units per month and ship the first batch of panels to assemblers by July.

Yoshio Tamura, the co-founder of display consultancy DSCC, shared the following information about the new panel:

“The OLED panel will consume less battery, offer higher contrast and possibly faster response time when compared to the Switch’s current liquid-crystal display"

The unit will also support "4K ultra-high definition graphics" when paired with televisions, according to the same sources.

Nintendo and Samsung representatives declined to comment, and Nintendo's president last month said there were no plans to announce a new version of the Switch any time soon.

When he’s not paying off a loan to Tom Nook, Liam likes to report on the latest Nintendo news and admire his library of video games. His favourite Nintendo character used to be a guitar-playing dog, but nowadays he prefers to hang out with Judd the cat.

One of these years they'll be right.

Whenever a new model does come, I just hope it'd still be compatible with the satisfye grip and the split pad pro I recently got.

come at me switch prooo. ill be ready to buy you whenever nintendo says youre real

Yawn, I really don't want a bigger Switch...would rather it be basically the same EXACT size, but 1080p and still using the same joy-cons...

reading some of the reactions to a 720P screen has been amusing indeed

Just fix drifting on joycons and all is good

@Rika_Yoshitake Personally I think a 720P OLED would be a bigger improvement than a 1080P LCD.

This article says News, not Rumor. Nonetheless, I'd love a switch pro and it'd be a day one get for me

How out of touch is this company becoming?!

Why do you need a bigger screen for a thing you can plug into a TV???? Ugh.

I get hand cramps from the Switch Lite, a bigger one will just make the cramping worse.

Can we just get a Switch with a better CPU, GPU, more RAM? Please? PLEASE?????

Pretty sure we're getting at least like ten new Switch models at this point.

@boxyguy hahaha come at me pro

@BoFiS I want the same thing 1080p in same form factor/joy-cons however minus the drift .

@BloodNinja Relax, bigger screen doesn't necessarily mean a bigger unit. Less bezel. It's only 0.8 inches bigger, it can easily fit inside the current housing of the Switch.

Man, you're losing your touch.

Eventually they’ll get one right. Probably.

@BloodNinja Yeah, guess I'll just take my TV with me then, if I wanted that bigger screen when I'm playing portable.

If anything, I wish the regular switch was smaller. The regular Switch gives me hand cramps after about 30 minutes. I'd love if the Switch Lite could dock.

@Baker1000 It's against the terms of service to inject logic into people's hot takes.

I am convinced that you are quite correct, though.

If this is indeed true, hopefully they will increase the display size to 7 inches by reducing the size of the bezels instead of increasing the formfactor of the tablet itself. It is already quite chunky for a handheld.

@BoFiS It sounds like the same size, just with no bezel.

This sound very likely than a more powerful Switch Pro. There's no way Nintendo would make a more powerful hardware this soon unless they are ready to launch a successor but with the Switch as hot as it is right now an updated model makes more sense.

Please, please, please, please shut up about the "Switch Pro". I'm not saying I don't want a revised Switch, I'm just sick of people constantly talking about it.

Is this any different than the last 37 versions of this rumor?

@Shadowthrone The screen's big enough, I already acknowledged that I use a Switch Lite. This thing doesn't need a larger screen, it needs better horsepower so that devs don't have to wrestle with getting their games to run properly on the thing.

@Varkster That was my "old man yells at cloud" moment LOL

@Baker1000 Let me yell at clouds in peace hahahahaha

I am perfectly content with keeping 720p especially if it means an OLED screen.

Also if there is a power boost so older and newer games actually run at 720p as opposed to 600p (or even lower) handheld then all the better.

Pinch of salt obviously but this one I hope is true!

so say...I guess it could be better for a bigger size

This rumour makes more sense than the nonsensical Switch "Pro" rumours. In fact, just like with the last major "Pro" rumour that proved to be the red-box minor update Switch, no doubt the recent "Pro" rumours related to this update.

Remember, truth seekers, speculators and general rapscallions, hints of updated hardware aren't automatically beefed up, premium priced "Pro" versions to sell next to a base model. Nintendo don't do this sort of thing. Never have. Never will. Instead, they do minor revisions and updates through a system's life, and I suspect there's as much truth to this rumour as there is BS in the "Pro" rumours (ie: 99%). Nintendo even saying no plans for a "new version" doesn't discount updating the existing line.

@BloodNinja I would rather have more power than screen size.

This would hella be nice but of course I'm taking it with a grain of salt. Samsung panels are some of the best out there.

It will be called the Super Switch 😆

This is news... not a rumor. Personally I’m hyped about the whole thing! LFG

I feel like Bloomberg is more reliable than a lot of previous articles that have come out in the past, so hopefully there is something there. I don’t care about the screen size on the unit itself, or the 4k necessarily (although I’ll definitely take it). Give me faster loading screens and ability to perform better (min 30fps at all times).

@Gus_Campos More power? How about UNLIMITED POWER

If that is the case there is no way they can make enough by December; if there is a new Switch it will be released Holidays 2022 at the earliest

@BloodNinja Ohhh, I misunderstood. You personally don't want a bigger screen so no one else should get one either. I gotcha now.

The Splatoon 3 trailer showed shadows during the "gameplay" part that were the sharpest I've seen on Switch. You'd need more video RAM or a GPU that supports more modern techniques to achieve this.

I wouldn't be surprised if it came with a few other improved components.

No mention of more power, could be just the screen updated.

@Shadowthrone The current screen is 6.2", this new one is 0.8"'re gonna drag me into the ground over that? It needs better hardware rather than a screen that's not even an inch larger than the standard one! I mean, if they are gonna make the screen bigger, why add barely 3/4"? They should go ham, add a full inch or something. Maybe 1.1 inches. I don't even know what I would do with all that extra screen space!! Priorities, Nintendo!

4k really? 1440p/60fps (or even 1080/60) would be find by me!

So its the size of a tablet now? How is that as portable?

If true... Thank goodness. I’m over my launch model. Out with the old...

4k? rather have 1080p at 60fps. It's gonna suck if BOTW2 runs like crap on the standard model since I have no desire to upgrade, my launch switch is perfectly fine.

My android phone has a higher resolution wtf?

I still play mine every day, but I would welcome one with a nicer screen, better battery and more storage (or just a second SD card slot).

But what is the possible decline in sales? Sure, eventually that's gonna happen, and Nintendo would be foolish not to be working on their next iteration, but let's be real the Switch has been selling like wildfire for years now with little sign of slowing down.

What's your alternative to Switch for portable/hybrid gaming right now? A bunch of Chinese built 700 dollar "portable PC"s? Mobile gaming on a phone? Piracy boxes full of emulators and illegally pirated games?

@BoFiS @BloodNinja It's not a bigger Switch, the current switch model has a huge Bezel that can be removed to make a bigger screen. It was made to prevent screen scratches, but with an OLED screen, I don't think the bezel will be needed anymore. It's commom sense.

@RaphaBoss I get the logic behind it, I just think in terms of priorities for overall improvements of the console, removing the bezel would be the last thing it needs. It would be nice if they did something to improve it's performance, and if they used better hardware for the joycons.

This seems a lot more plausible than the sWiTcH pRo, but I’ll stay skeptical.

@BloodNinja If it supports 4k then it should have more gpu power and more RAM. The current switch model NEEDS this to at least keep constant 1080p in all games in TV mode while adding 1440p to some games, and keep handheld mode from going below 720p in some games (huh...xenoblade 2). At 400$ this would be really nice.

@dimi the ps4 pro supports 4k and it mostly play games below quad HD(1200p). 4k means nothing, only that it will go beyond 1080p for lighter games. This is a plus anyway.

@RaphaBoss I hope so! Though, 4K on a handheld would be worthless. It's impossible to notice the difference that close. If they improve load times, framerates, and the drifting stick problem, that would make me happier than 0.8" bigger screen!

I'll assume it's like the New 3DS with the regular model. Nice upgrades that ultimately don't matter in the long run. I'm fine with that, Nintendo never committed hard to selling the DS Lite or New 3DS on exclusives-which was the right call since it would split the player base. A price drop on the base model would be the best part of this to be honest.

I can't wait to play Wii-U ports and janky unity games on low settings in 4k.

I’ll be ready. As long as preorders don’t go like a flash in the pan. I’m not racing against scalpers or paying them. My wife wants my old Switch when this inevitably releases. Lol. I think its real. Its just not time to announce it all. Its why I haven’t went insane for a Monster Hunter edition.

@RandomAfricanGamer Thank you (for staying skeptical). In reading comment sections like this one, I do wonder mightily that people omit or forget price point. If Nintendo can sell an OLED-equipped revision at the current price, that would be the sort of "lateral" move the company is actually known for. Back in the first half of 2017, I remember the gaming and business press crying loudly about Switch's imminent failure, claiming that the unit was overpriced...

But sure, let's dream about more RAM, more GPU power...

Has 4K become so widespread for Nintendo to invest in something? They famously sat out on HD with the Wii and struggled to make HD with Wii U. Seems a little far fetched that they would plunge into 4K and start chasing specs now over gameplay and style.

@boxyguy Switch Pro will never be real, unless Sony wants to steal the Switch name or Nintendo wants to steal the "Pro" moniker.

@BloodNinja the article says 4k only when paired with the tv. And yes, this will at LEAST get rid of the frame rate when played in 720p docked. Games like Fire emblem three houses and xenoblade 2 really need this.

@Darknyht Not really, but if the docked handheld can support 4k they can at LEAST keep 1080p across all games and potentialy support 1440p on their IPs. 4k requires tons of VRAM and i doubt they will go for more than 8gb of ram. This is a win win situation.

I predict that Metroid Prime Trilogy HD is delayed because it utilises a feature of the newer model switch. I'm thinking VR goggles like labo but better resolution.

720p on the oled seems kinda silly like how much they saving by going cheap?

I hope they do come out with this newer system this year. I'd like to see more games carted over that will utilize all the new stuff.

I can't see it being 720p when games are made to work in two resolutions. Seems like an obvious opportunity to use the docked resolution when playing handheld. Maybe it's a battery life issue, just seems strange.

Unless the JoyCon stick issue is addressed I will not be buying.

@Giygas_95 Yes! I have adult-sized hands and my Switch never leaves its Satisfye grip. I even use a cable to plug-in while docked because I’m too lazy to remove the grip!

I truly hope a Super Switch has the same form factor, but I’d be surprised if it does. I’d rather have built-in voice chat, texting, and 4K output than a bigger screen.

I predict that Metroid Prime Trilogy HD is delayed because it utilises... VR goggles like labo but better resolution.

@Moistnado Is this sarcastic, by any chance? I'm not arguing with you; just wondering.

My switch makes weird fan noises, has cracks around where I plug it into my dock. The joycon do not feel very secure. I need a new one but have been holding out for a switch pro...for three years

I could see a slightly bigger screen happening if they simply shrunk the bezels, not unlike the evolution of Smartphones. But hopefully there'll be more to it than just a bigger screen and 4K.

I wont sneeze at those, but it would be nice to see if they can bridge the graphical fidelity gap a bit to future-proof whenever devs fully commit to PS5/XB1X.

So what's it going to be? OLED screens or mini-LED screens? The rumours just keep coming, and I'm still treating this one as a rumour despite the article categorizing it as "News."

I also don't understand why people associate improved Joy Cons with a Switch revision. They're gonna keep using the same Joy Cons lol.

@Ultrasmiles Phones have higher resolutions than the Switch because the games on mobile are designed universally, so it would HAVE to cater to devices with the same resolution as the Switch.

Mobile games use less processing and graphical power, which means less battery usage. The Switch sacrifices resolution for power, which is why we get console games on the Switch.

If true I and some others were right all along wait ... where are the NintenDoomed fandom now? Common we want some predictions for Nintendo failures you keep coming with??????

@BoFiS it doesn't need to be a larger form factor to have a larger screen.

So funny how people are spinning this now. “NOW” it’s legit and okay to want a switch pro. A lot of hypocrites out there.

Never understood the desire for massive tablets for portable gaming, it's like I prefer my portables to be small and light. Still, 4K gaming is the real attention grabber, would help bring the Switch up to speed with the rest of the modern consoles on TV as 4K is really the new industry standard at this point.

@RaphaBoss That's good news, then. Hopefully it sees a good launch.

@COVIDberry lol, no sarcasm. I would like VR metroid prime. I doubt it'll happen due to nausea.

@Moistnado I don't believe for a second that this will happen in the current generation.

One day, when it does, though, I want a VR helmet shaped exactly like that of Samus' Varia suit. No need for an option to superimpose the borders of the visor when the viewable area is shaped like it!

Another day.. another switch pro rumor that has no weight to it. Say it enough times and it'll eventually happen, so I guess there's that..

Edit: A 7 inch screen is probably not going to happen, since it'd mean the current joycons wouldn't even be compatible with it. Not to mention, the screen would make the console too bulky to actually take with you at all.

Lol isn’t Switch selling better than it ever has? Doesn’t seem like people care that it’s not pushing out ultra high-end graphics, mostly seems like they’re just having fun with the thing.

I don't think a switch pro will be this year.

The form factor of the Switch would not need to change at all. The 7 inch screen would fit inside the existing bezel around the current screen.

Let's hope this means they'll actually do fix whatever's wrong with said Joy-Con drift, cause I do not want to physically shatter it again, and this was pre-pandemic shutdown last year around this time actually (February 26th 2020). If so, I hope they can allow all to upgrade to the new model at a low to no cost. I don't want to pay $300 just for an upgraded version, (like the longer battery model) it's just too much, and ridiculous when you could literally just 'switch' without headaches

Seems a bit stupid to keep the 720p resolution if the screen is going to be almost an inch bigger, so the picture quality in undocked mode will actually be potential worse, even if the new model is more powerful? :/

I mean...ok. I guess that's cool, but I'm good with the regular Switch

I especially hope the Switch library will transfer over/be compatible, as I have an extensive collection to get through someday (backlog issues).

I think the "rumors just keeps popping up" simple because Nintendo is always researching a big diversity of different tech. Doesn't mean they will settle for either micro-led or oled just because they are making inquiries around different technologies.

Would a new bezel with bigger screen still use the same joycons and not look weird?🤔

The one big problem here is, even if they were to release it tomorrow, you wouldn't be able to find one for weeks or even months anyway, just like new video cards for pc's.

If all it's offering is a bigger screen with higher resolution, I'm more than content with the red Mario Switch I just bought over Valentine's Day weekend. While it does have a warm color palette, it doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would.

@NoTimeForBS I'm with you mate

@ObeseChihuahua2 Ikr? I remember people telling me in 2018, "don't buy a Switch. A Pro version is coming out any day now." If I listened to those fools, I would have missed out on 3 years of awesome gaming on the Switch.

@BoFiS I really wouldn't mind some improvements to the system, especially the joycons. My problem with them "upgrading" the Switch is you end up like Microsoft with several version of your hardware out on the market and confusion for the customer. The new switch would have to be 100% compatible with the current on and any new games would either have to work on both or be made so as it only works on the Switch pro (i.e., 3DS cards vs DS cards).

If I had a dollar for every "report" that claims a switch pro is coming, I'd be able to afford a switch pro when it finally launches!

@WoomyNNYes Why would it look weird?

The bezels being so large on the current Switch was always weird - shrinking the bezels down with a larger display is what I would consider to be normal.

New hardware takes a lot of time to develop - there is no magical "Make Switch Pro" button.

That is why these Switch Pro rumors have existed for so long, not because they are necessarily false or made-up.

@Moistnado maybe you should learn to treat your electronics better. As for holding out for a Switch Pro, you might want to learn how to hold your breath.

@NintendoByNature This stuff goes back to at least 2018 amazing how all these sites keep reporting it uncritically almost like all they care about is clicks. @98westman98 The rumors have existed because people want a Switch Pro and the rumors generate attention and clicks it’s as simple as that.

@westman98 I meant, if they mess with the console dimensions, it could render the current joycons incompatible. But making new joycons seems foolish.

You're right, there's plenty of bezel space to accomodate a larger screen without changing the console's out dimensions.

@Bearzilla823 My Gameboy micro hasn't got a scratch on it and neither has my psp. My 3ds has some metallic sheen paint worn off from being held so much, but is actually in very good condition. My switch is notably more flimsy and has inferior build quality compared to most handhelds from Nintendo or Sony.

@BoFiS If the bezels are thinner, the console can stay the same size

@Giygas_95 Bigger screen = less ppi 300 ppi would be ideal The Switch is currently at 236, if this report is true, it would make it even worse, despite the better screen technology

@BloodNinja Completely agree I much rather the internal specs be buffed than increase screen size and lower ppi However, I don't think they are planning on making console itself larger, they can just reduce bezels

I would get it if it has better horsepower, instead of just a larger screen.

@WoomyNNYes The speculation from the Bloomberg article is that Nintendo will maintain the same Switch chassis, so they will increase the display size by shrinking the bezels.

i will buy any new switch model. bigger screen, more power, both... i don’t care. just take my money.

@Moistnado you can do that if youre switch cfw

Still no news on whether or not it uses DLSS. Hmm...

They don't need to make the Switch bigger, they'll probably just reduce the bezel. That horrible bezel was outdated even back when Switch was released.

Bloomberg usually has quite high credibility when it comes to tech rumours. Only write if they have reliable sources.

I'd rather have IPS than OLED.

Despite the usual "Source McFamiliar Esquire" bullcrap, this actually sounded like a somewhat believable incremental upgrade.

Until the power of tabloid inertia drove it right back into "4K ultra-high definition graphics" when paired with televisions".😅

And of course, let's start this summer... what do you consumers mean you have no money? Oh... right. Those Mario and MH models you guys just bought. 😯

@Gus_Campos why not both?

Maybe a new dock, that can do 4k?

They should ditch the touch screen aswell

about that they said there will not be any new switch model this year.... in June 4, 2012, they denied there will be another 3DS model June 21, 2012, 17 days later: Nintendo Direct 3DS XL reveal 😂

Why is nobody talking about 120 fps and Variable Refresh Rate? A Switch Pro screen with these features would improve all kinds of action games: Unstable frame rates like in Age of Calamity would be almost completely smoothed out, while 2D platformers like Celeste would be even better to play. Xbox and soon Playstation as well as TV manufacturers go this way, why not Nintendo with its internal display?!

@Wavey84 Yeah, I recently got a new screen that is 144 Hz for my PC, with a high max resolution. Went to play a Switch game recently and I might as well have shoved glass in my eyes. Once you go to a higher res monitor it really makes the Switch look dated!

4K docked and a nicer 720p OLED handheld with improved performance & battery would be enough for me to invest in a mid lifecycle upgrade. A larger internal memory / extra SD slot would be nice too.

Switch XL is a good name, Nintendo. You're welcome. Now shut up and take my money.

@BoFiS I think you’re missing the point. The switch itself won’t be bigger, just the screen. This is achieved by reducing the size of the bezels around the screen.

7 inch will be Nice. Even bigger is welcome. For you that Get cramps in your hands, buy a lite instead or just play docked. Dont understand the complains.

@Friendly Hm..I don't need a bigger size. If they get rid of the black bezel and turn it on screen size then it would be okay. but I dont want the device to be bigger.

I'm afraid of the burn-in though when Nintendo does release a Switch with Oled screen. Since most games have static parts (the UI), and static parts are known to have a high risk of burning in your screen.

@Gus_Campos True! Maybe I understood you wrong. I also don't want a bigger switch, but a bigger screen might be nice. I prefer performance and battery life though. better performing 3d party games mainly. I want to play a proper mass effect in my bed. 4k dlss would be a plus, but admittedly I do not have a 4k screen yet.

@Gus_Campos seems like they'll use the same chassis so it'll feel the same and look a lot nicer (in theory)

Revisions are dumb. Just make a switch 2. A switch pro will be replaced in a year or so, and still be hampered by the base model.

As a ps4 pro owner, I wish I saved the $100. I can't image someone buying a pro after owning a normal.

Next console they should offer a cheaper docked only model however.

@luckiernut 1m a month production? 6m units in the market by Christmas. Remember less than 3m were made for the Switch launch

This is exciting. A way to keep the Switch fresh amongst the fanbase as PS5 and Xbox Series games start to arrive, and will likely add a couple of years onto the lifecycle

I need a switch with more horsepower lol. The games are screaming for that extra breathing space.🤣. I would pay 400 to 500€

How is this news and not just another rumour?

I almost trusted this one until the fake 4k output in docked.

For one more time ; Nintendo don't have the workforce nor the corporate culture to go back in all previous games and do graphical upgrades for all previous switch games. Just enabling 4k alone will make games look weird and go against Nintendo perfectionism. And cool stuff like DLSS are not a magic switch either, it requires training and a patch for the AI models for every game before being enabled.

A 4k Switch even with more power is nothing else than a new gen of console entirely

@BloodNinja You must have really small hands 😂😂😂

So no plans to announce anytime soon implies they will announce one at some point.

We get this story about once a week, it's based on the exact same conditions each time (industry "experts", who in reality are just predicting the Nintendo equivalent of something that's been happening since the PS2/GameCube era). Absolutely nothing new is confirmed or speculated, the fact NL continue to "report" on this story is more than likely for the easy-to-copy-paste story about it.

Are we getting a Switch Pro rumour every week? They are getting desperate.

@BrettAwesome Not terribly, I always feel like the Switch is too small for my hands, so I feel clumsy when I use the D Pad.

I guess if there are enough rumors out there, one will turn out to be true, so why not this one.

Nintendo have games ready to go, just waiting for a new machine, BoTW etc.

My theory is the size of the console won’t change - just the bezel being significantly thinner to accomodate the larger screen size. I personally love screens without bezels just for their high end look.

Nintendo is in such a comfortable sales position that they don't need to do anything...they will release a new variant of Switch when sales is dropping to keep the momentum going

Every Vita owner knows why the idea of an OLED at 720p is (Homer drooling GIF). I’d be all over this.

Saying it’s true about ten times a month doesn’t make it a reality folks!

I believe the bigger screen will be due to reduced bezels, just as we see the trend in smartphones and laptops. The formfactor will (hopefully) remain the same. Also, the wording. "4K capable when connected to TV" so I guess we WILL get an "active" dock with graphical co-processor, which in my book, is the best solution.

It's been a long time since I've had so much joy using a gaming console, I really enjoy my switch so I will happily invest in the pro model.

@jarvismp Haven't you learned anything from the news?!

Illfated joke aside, the rumors have been building for a while now, also it seems like a reasonable next step from Nintendo, now facing a HUGE generational gap to Sony and Microsoft. So, I think it's true and will be the Holiday smasher this year.

It doesn't make much sense to release it any earlier, because during the year we will be occupied with crazyness anyways, so a somewhat "calm" holiday season would be the perfect time to release it.

@RaphaBoss best case scenario it will be little stronger than base PS4. The technology isn't there yet for a mobile PS4 pro (or Xbox Series S on such a small form). And Nintendo don't invest on cutting edge technology . So yeah being able to play games with better frames, 1080p would be nice

Oh first it was "news" now it's "rumor"...

...and everybody is going to be disappointed when Switch XL just has a bigger OLED screen, bigger Joy-Cons and a camera.

You know what is the most silly thing people conclude every time about these rumors?

4k support doesn't mean gaming at 4k. PS5 has 8K support, and Switch it's 4K support will probably exist for same reason as 8K on PS5, which is for media playback and NOT gaming.

Even Xbox One S has 4K support, not for gaming but because it has a 4K Blu-ray drive inside.

If it has a bigger screen, it would mean a smaller bezel, not a larger form-factor. Maybe the device would be a smidge-wider, but they likely want the existing Joy-Cons to be compatible with the new system. A new system would likely require a new dock though, for proper 4K output. I doubt that the new screen itself would be 4K resolution, at best it'd be 1080p or might even remain 720p for legacy handheld support. We'll see, but I'm excited.

New Switch Pro with a larger screen, but not with joy-cons that don't drift, because we wouldn't want to take away the experience the consumers came to love.

Takashi Mochizuki - This is person behind this latest pro story, I had a quick look at him and I see he has tweeted 23400 times. I guess he can't be lying in all of those.

While i do believe Nintendo are working on a successor to the current Switch model, I don't think these specs make any sense.

Why would they make a new console with a higher spec CPU and higher spec GPU just to give it the same low resolution of 720p? It just doesn't add up.

It would make more sense to go with a 1080p handheld res and a 4K docked res using DLSS.

I'm sure it will have an insanely convoluted way of transferring games and saves.

Lots of people being snarky about this article, but do you really think a news site about all things Nintendo should not post about what major news outlets are reporting on for future Nintendo products? I mean I think the skepticism is healthy but its totally appropriate for Nintendo Life to cover what the mainstream news are saying about the company.

@ComradeThom I think a lot of it is driven by this being Switch Pro Article#563, but yeah, the attitudes are laughable. There's a lot of users that hang here now just to post lame troll attempts, so I usually just slap an ignore on them.

This is coming, too much smoke now and if Bloomberg are hearing about this next progression in production then its pretty set. Yeah, they misfired on a revision when it was just redbox coming, but they nailed Switch Lite and there's just too much chatter about this for it not to be true.

People will still be disappointed, but there you go.

@Ravenmaster Is boils down primarily due to battery why it would be the same 720p.

Even the way superior GPD Win Max 3 (specs wise) is sticking to a 720p screen. This is a handheld that test have shown a number of PS4 gen games running at 60fps. They stuck to a 720p screen because its less taxing on the CPU/GPU allowing higher frame rates to be achieved. Which also keep the machine cooler to hold whilst being less draining on the battery.

It has a monster battery that dwarfs the Switches. Early pre release testing predicts that the battery would only last 2 hours when running demanding games at 720P at 24W. Imagine how long the battery would last at 1080P with inferior frame rates (when all other graphical setting are kept the same)

@BloodNinja the screen will have the same footprint, but the actually display will be bigger because the bezels will shrink. So it’s a win-win

@Ravenmaster at that screen size and viewing distance 1080p would be of virtually no benefit so why waste the battery power? Games will still look much better on it through higher settings plus the many games which never even reached 720p in the first place. If anything this leak makes perfect sense

@Ravenmaster Because the current Switch specs don’t allow most games to actually hit the 720p resolution that it has. So upgraded specs would allow for that, e.g Doom only hit like 540p most of the time. Besides, the screen is small that 1080p and 720p wouldn’t make a huge difference. All it would do is drain battery life way quicker.

Love the way the article states Nintendo stated no new Switch model was going to be released any time soon, when in fact they simply said there was no pro version coming, a revision would not apply to this statement.

Would prefer a 1080p screen, the developer has more range then to has game run at 1080p undocked or throttle it down to 720p minimum. Not interested in 4K for Switch, Nintendo would be better off targeting 1440p docked instead

When you say priorities Nintendo, you mean they should cater for the minority of core users that want a portable PS4.

@Bearzilla823 the day one switches had some problems of warping that in many cases got into cracking. When I exchanged mine for the better battery model one shop did not take it due to warping (no cracks though)

Basically some do not want to believe this latest rumor, because it suggests the pro version they want is not happening.

Look what happened to the "new" 3ds revision, only one game got made for it.

If nintendo made an upgraded switch with more horsepower and 4k visuals then yes more third party games could come but only for that upgraded version of the switch

Why the need for 4k? Why not just stick with 720 and 1080p for now, and try to make it run those a little better?

Very excited for this. This is an awesome year for the Switch! Oled was my dream screen for this device.

@dimi best case scenario is 10% than current switch lol. Just a minor upgrade in performance if at all (apart from up to 4k upscaling). No exclusive games either.

I have no intention of buying a new Switch. Nintendo had better make Breath of the Wild 2 playable on the old Switch, otherwise I'll have to boycott them.

I still don’t buy it.

@Burntbreadman The screen is going to be bigger which means the console's chassis will be bigger too. Which means they can fit a slightly longer battery in there.

I am loving seeing all the people content with the current Switch, and fair play to them, as it will make it easier for me to get one of these!

This is all still rumours about specifics but my gut tells me there will be a new model coming in the next 12 months and honestly even an OLED screen is enough of an improvement for me to purchase the new console.

@ReikoMortis Noisy little fan, two left joy-cons with drift and light scratching on either side of the screen despite always docking carefully and using a carry case (Yeah, "should've used a screen protector," I know) and I get the impression all this isn't exactly uncommon.

All things are subject to wear and tear of course, but as great as it is the Switch is the first Nintendo device for which the term 'planned obsolescence' has come to mind...

The bigger screen will fit inside the existing bezel so no guarantee of a bigger chassis.

@Ultrasmiles Most phones are more expensive than Switchs so that makes perfect sense

@ToneDeath They'll fix that noisy fan for free. At least in North America

@DarkTron Its coming. Sites that dont post news unless its 100% certain, has posted this. Samsung is producing it, its a no brainer.

"If I keep guessing eventually I'll be right" Switch isn't broken. It doesn't need an upgrade. WE don't need an upgrade. How about you quit trying to encourage it with made up junk like this hmmm?

@DennisNOR sites have been reporting on this for years at this point, the validity of more popular sites posting is a fallacy when there's nothing more than speculation and guessing by them.

They still need to make every game compatible for this switch. I hope i will not see alot of AAA games just for the new switch. I don’t care about a new switch, this one is perfect.

Thank you for changing the tag from news to rumour. If it doesn't come from the official source itself, it's not confirmed and thus a rumour.

4K output would require a new SOC and more memory. This would be the info that I'm most interested in.

Here's hoping for a custom Tegra X2 or Xavier SOC with DLSS 2.0 support and 8GB of LPDDR4X

Guys this is not a rumor, it is a report from two Bloomberg reporters, one familiar with samsung and the korean tech market, the other familar with the japanese tech scene( that, by the way, reported that sony is downsizing it´s japan studio more then one year ago): This is hapenning !!!! 4K capability is almost certainlyobtained via DLSS 2.0 and that means new CPU and new GPU( DLSS cannot happen via dock!) as well as new nvidia architecture. This is going to be a significat upgrade: think SWICTH 1.5 and it explains why nintendo talks about the nitendo switch family and about a 10 year cycle of the console !

@TheFullAndy But to do 4K DLSS it would require a completely new SoC. The current Tegra chip doesn't support that tech. So new CPU/GPU will be inside. Might warrant a bigger chassis.

Possibly for those certainly, I wouldn't say no to a bigger battery!

If it happens it nice but analists have bin saying for the last 2 years we be getting an switch pro soon, and so far they bin proven wrong

So the most reasonable design is confirmed, as I expected. Afterall the Switch is an amazing device, it could only be improved in the features it already has without reinventing the wheel nor breaking backwards compatibility. Now the dilemma for me is whether to keep the Mario limited edition or resell it for the newer version. Hmm... I guess I'll end up on choosing the latter.

@Baobab I can see them doing an upgraded switch with better screen and battery life, but this whole 4k upscaling with DLSS 2.0 just doesn't make sense for a mid life refresh. Your talking all new tegra chip, tensor cores and more memory. Plus a much bigger battery as that's a big power draw. I dread to think how much all that would cost at this moment in time. To put all that into a hand held would probably end up costing more than a PS5 or series X. I'd put money that's what they are doing for switch 2.0 in 2024 but not right now.

One huge concern with DLSS is that so few games actually support it as of now. It doesn't work with every game automatically and it can't be implemented by flicking a switch. The individual devs need to implement the support in their games code. This mean that even if the "Switch Pro" had DLSS, not all games would make use of it. This would especially apply to already released games. Older games would need to be patched for DLSS to work.

On the other hand if DLSS was one of the main features of the console, it could help make it an industry standard by getting all sorts of devs to implement it because it would be an easy and attractive way to make your game run better on the low power device.

@Serialsid You are right if the premise is that the new switch will NOT have DLSS 2.0. The thing is many rumors do indicate that the new swicth will have this DLSS capability, and i think the apparent nintendo request for 4K ready games confirms this( Fact also reported by this bloomberg journalist by the way). DLSS means certainly a new chip and a new GPU for the switch as the tensorcores necessary for the dlss upcasling are part of the APU. If you add to this that it is known that Nvidia already has production lines for 8nm chips with samsung and is moving next year to even smaller chips many people presume that Nintendo will inherit these production lines, plus an 8 nm Chip also means less energy consuption adressing your fear. On resetera some people predicted, even before this leak, that Smasung will provide many different parts for the new swicth as nintendo could order many parts from them and get better bulk prices and also simplify logistcis and assembly.

This isn't a rumor. Bloomberg is reporting the start of production date. And it does not sound like an upgrade, but a brand new Switch. Hmmm..wonder if we'll hear more after March 31st?

Fake news. There will never be a Switch Pro. No reason for it while the Switch and Switch Lite are still flying off shelves.

@marnelljm I can see people needing different joycons (bigger screen) but the old controller will still pair with the new switch

@Giygas_95 It could be fake news but there is a high chance of a pro coming out, but i doubt its gonna be this year

I’d be fine with a nicer screen and improvements to battery and. Although I’d like to play AAA PS5 (or even PS4) games, it would just create a division in the install base. Especially considering the install base is now plenty big enough to warrant some meaty third party exclusives being developed for the system.

@Moshugan Yes, existing games would have to be patched. It is intresting to note that the unreal engine has the DLSS support included in a recent update.

release another switch, I buy another switch. Simple.

Needs to be more than that. IE. Non drifting joycons.

I hope they announce something soon as in April I plan on getting the red and blue switch and sell my launch day one, but if I buy it and then a few weeks later they announce an upgraded version then I will be gutted

Let's hope The New Model/Version of Nintendo Switch will have WiFi from this era, because it now have worser WiFi then my Laptop that I bought at September end of 2012 at sale. So it's really old Laptop that I never bothered to do real cleaning, inside one, and only do Windows reinstalls from time to time. So you can get it why I'm frustrated about when WiFi catching and connecting is much weaker on Nintendo Switch then such a old Laptop one.

@Baobab I suppose only time will tell if these reports are right, I just can't see it myself. Your pretty well talking about a whole new switch with a big power advantage over the vanilla one. And the cost would be high. Hell I'd buy it day one, but I just can't see it happening.

@Darknyht In 2006 when the Wii came out the adoption rate for HDTV was 36%. There are no specific numbers for 4k, but the estimation is that it should be above 50% by now, maybe even higher with how many peopel are investing in new TV due to covid. But we know for sure that the adoption rate for 4K is signifcant higher than it was for HDTV.

Also do note that this switch pro has 4k output, it doesn't render the games in 4k quality. What the nvidia software does is scaling up the output to make the visuals sharper.

@Serialsid Ahaha You are right nintendo always underdelivers in tech power. I am still crefully optimistic though, we will see...the DLSS tech just seemes so Nintendo, not applying brute power but ingenuity to solve a problem, and it is developed by their partner in crime Nvidia. I hope we will get both a nice surprise. Cheers

@Baobab I agree DLSS sounds extremely like an approach Nintendo would take. Iirc unteal engine also supports it natively now, which would also help Nintendo and partners to add it into upcoming games.

Switch XL? Or will the Switch Lite see a similar change (screen and rumble) in 2022?

Either way, I'll buy this one and give my Switch V2 to my girlfriend instead of trading it in.

@SalvorHardin that's exactly right. And when it happens they'll all pat themselves on the back as if they knew all along!

I’m ready for real leaks of specs.

@Ravenmaster The 4k processor could be limited to the dock itself and docked mode

@BloodNinja You get cramps in your hands because the Lite is too big? I have the exact opposite issue. I have a launch Switch and my hands cramp from it being too small and thin. I don't have big hands either. The Satisfye grip has been a life saver for my hands. They make one for the Lite too that might be worth checking out, if you are having cramps.

Why would anyone want a Switch THAT BIG?

If this is true, you better believe these are going to get scalped harder than the PS5.

@BabyYoda71 more like same size just minus the bezels

Does Samsung even produce OLED screens? I thought they only make QLED.

@cherryghost41 The lite is too small, it gives me hand cramps from wrestling with the tiny buttons. I’ve tried all sorts of grip attachments.

@johnvboy No, I mean they should fix glaring issues, rather than remove the bezel to add less than an inch of screen space. They should be figuring out why their sticks drift, or giving devs some more wiggle room to work with the weak hardware. Instead of that, they go LOOK GUYS SHINY SCREEN, and all the Nintendo lap dogs start drooling. Don’t start talking about minorities and majorities without doing a formal head count. Reading a few comments online and assuming something about the public doesn’t work.

@Gio0207 They do indeed, more so for mobile devices/smartphones (AMOLED) as they are the current market leader. LG obviously make the majority of the larger panel OLED screens. For example, Samsung's latest S21 phone has a 6.2" 120hz OLED screen with 421 ppi. So if this rumour is even remotely true, a 7" Samsung AMOLED screen say 90 - 120hz with 400+ ppi will be amazing on this rumoured switch revision.

@albertonl That sounds good, but I wish Nintendo would put more effort into improving load times and performance by increasing the power of the internals.

Guess I have none of these issues, so would love a new revision.

As for assumptions I make none, it's a minority pure and simple, of course some people on here always seem to suggest it's everybody that feels the way they do, and wants the same things, so assumption is o.k in these cases I guess.

@BloodNinja Okay I must have misread your comment. I still highly recommend the Satisfye grip!

@Giygas_95 I don't mean to change the subject, but how is that Split Pad Pro? I'm tired of of the terrible JoyCon quality and I'm in the market for an alternative to the JoyCon for portable play.

@cherryghost41 I may have tried that one, but I can’t remember! I tried so many lol, ended up with one by skull & co. I like it a lot, but I think the combination of weight and small buttons isn’t working for me.

OLED screens consume less power, so I would place bets that an OLED screen at 1080p vs an LCD screen at 720p probably consume close to same amount of power. I'm also placing bets that the reason the rumor doesn't say 1080p screen is because Nintendo seems to be notorious with their upgrades being lack luster. Personally I only use the switch as a portable device so 4k doesn't matter to me, but a larger higher res screen does.

@johnvboy “I have none of those issues, therefor anybody that mentions them must be in some arbitrary minority that I made up.” That’s how you’re coming across. Be well.

@dkxcalibur I love the split pad pro! It feels very comfortable, and the matte texture gives it a pretty nice grip. The biggest caveat is that it has no gyro and can't be used wirelessly. That's why I tag team it with my satisfye grip. The satisfye is for everything involving gyro controls (shooters, Bit Trip Beat and Bit Trip Flux) while the split pad is for everything else not involving gyro. The bigger sticks have more travel distance which make them great for better precision. I quite enjoy using them in say Mario 3D World for instance. I'd also look at some Amazon reviews and YouTube videos as well to get some other opinions. Also, there are some pretty good cases for the split pad pro:

Those are only for the split pad though. I personally went with this for holding both the satisfye and split pad in addition to a battery bank. It's a very big case, but they also have a slim variant without the space for the battery bank:

I would prefer that Nintendo would just fix the drift before doing anything else. $70-$80 controllers shouldn't need repaired or be disposable after less then a year or two of use.

@Giygas_95 Thank you! I've been playing a ton of Overwatch in handheld mode.....but I use the gyro aim.

@AnnoyingFrenzy Your username describes these rumors perfectly.

I do wonder, what tech is out there that would be able to upscale current titles to 4k and to locked 30/60fps while keeping it $299 (maybe $349 if Nintendo is feeling bold) at retail and maintaining 100% BC for current Switch titles?

Yay, our weekly switch pro rumor from Bloomberg! I swear last months they were saying 1080p and some other junk, but this month it’s oled screen? Nintendo must not be good at communicating if they are making so many models

@dkxcalibur In that case, the satisfye grip might be better for you, although I know you don't want to deal with the joycons themselves...I think there are a bunch of other third party joycons you could also try, but I've not researched into any of those.

Never said that, simply stated I had no issues and would love a Switch revision, you are putting words into my mouth.

And of course you and others want these things on a personal level, but that does not make you part of a large percentage of the overall Switch user base.

Nothing personal by the way.

I know many want a bigger screen but really I never had too much issue with it currently. If anything the wideness of it can be annoying to me at times with button placements. If anything the wish list for me in a pro is joycon durability, adding a first party joycon with a d pad. I went back to my wii u the other day and realized how much I liked the game pad. Good weight and button placement. Bumping the visual to FHD is good enough for me. Unless you are using a TV bigger than 55", 4k is pointless. Add bluetooth support for headphones. Likily the unit will be 2022 early. Doesn't have to be holiday season to come out..... Look at the Switch launch.

These are going to be TOUGH to get. I hope retailers can figure out a way to beat the bots.

@Gio0207 Samsung have oled screens they need to shift so Nintendo will be getting great deal and sumsung will be happy to shift stock they not using.

@BloodNinja I completely agree. I'd love to upgrade to a 4K Switch, but there is no way I am buying a whole console package where the price is going to be what it likely will be when that new screen, which I will never use, is going to drive up the price.

"Experts" say this every year now pretty sure it started less than a year after the Switch launched. Also remember "experts" started saying the same thing after about a year of the Wii coming out because they said it couldn't keep selling against what else was available. What these experts don't factor in is not everyone only wants something with higher specs pretty sure little Jimmy and Jenny only care about fun and not what the screen is made of or the amount of pixels displayed.

@DarkTron nah. Its a fact by now, but belive what you want ofc😊 oled has been going down 33% in price also last 2 years, so its a good timing by Nintendo. Cant wait 😊

@LegendOfPeach That’s what I’m thinking as well. Plus, there aren’t any games on the console to warrant 4K, Nintendo doesn’t put games out at that resolution.

But we all agree they have to call it the Nintendo Super Switch, right?

Adding to that thought I hope they let use the Switch Lite as an extra controller.

At this point Switch V2/Pro/New/Super/Unikitty is the worst kept secret in gaming this side of Series S. But we still don't know what it is.

BUT, this rumor really sounds pretty accurate since it involves an actual order for actual parts in a presumably sufficient quantity to be relevant. And it sounds perfectly Nintendo in that it's a Monkey's Paw solution. We get an OLED to bring back the best of PS Vita, and we get a bigger screen, a personal wish of mine from day 1.'s still 720p. What sounds more Nintendo than that? And, like Vita, it'll probably be a really dim OLED that you can't see in daylight, which was already Switch's biggest weakness vs phones and tablets that have OLEds that can be seen in daylight! It's built for the corrupt-a-wish thread! That must mean it's true!

Plus, with under a million units per month at the rate Switches and consoles in general are selling, and stupidly appearing to launch going into Holiday again, it'll be yet another scalper's paradise with real humans unable to buy one until well into 2022 when Nintendo probably starts winding down Switch in favor of the jump-rope-input-based Switch 2. It all sounds all but confirmed, really.

4k (via scaling of some form internally) seems like an obvious necessity at this point - 4k TVs are reaching critical mass in the market simply by way of having little other choice when buying, so it's a necessary "keep up with the display" feature.

@BloodNinja The Switch has a ridiculously sized bezel just to extend the body taller to fit the necessary minimum height of Joycons to be usable. It was silly the screen wasn't larger to begin with, it was just wasted space and empty plastic. They just bought an off the shelf 6.3" panel. So moving up to 7" isn't so much about making the unit bigger, it's using the available space better. BUT at 720 that means it'll look slightly more pixel-y too. Didn't stop 3DS XL though. But the Switch screen is too small. Switch runs games with HD UIs meant for 20+ inch screens, and that means too many UIs are too small to be used (or read) as intended. A few tenths of an inch isn't going to solve the problem, but it'll help somewhat. 720p though....oof. The fact that it's kind of almost perfect except completely not makes me think this rumor is the right one. Most other rumors were selling dreams of what we want. This rumor is one of Nintendo almost going all out and then capping it in the knee. That's the only way Nintendo rolls.

It's not going to be "native 4k" - XSX and PS5 are seldom actually running "native 4k" with good frame rates. And they're tremendously more powerful. IF it's 4k that means it scales internally and outputs 4k so it's not a jaggy or blurry mess on a 4k TV like it currently is depending on your TV's scaler. Scaling + AA most likely. There's a 0.0% chance of actual 4k rendering. It's just the output.

@LegendOfPeach If it's really a 720 screen , this isn't going to be a premium priced upgrade switch, it's just going to be a replacement model for the older one at the same price, but better. Not a PS4 Pro - a PS4 Slim with upgrades but no discount. Granted, New 3DS XL did cost more than 3DS XL and did replace it over time, so I suppose a small price increase is possible, but I wonder if they're actually arrogant enough to charge as much or more than Series S.....they could be.

I predict that Nintendo's next console will be released within the next decade. You can quote me on that.

@MrMichaelJames You are missing the problem. A higher res screen might not use up much more battery, but the hardware behind that, which now has to run the game in 1080p, definitly does.

Rendering the game in 720p than upscaling it to 1080p just to use a portable 1080p screen does not make too much sense either, as upscaling always means a loss of quality. Chances are that the same game would actually look better on a 720p screen if it is only rendering in 720p anyway.

@Kirgo With improvements in chip size and efficiency I bet the battery drain going from 720p with current chip to 1080p with a newer chipset isn't as large of a hit as people think. I still think its just Nintendo being cheap to maximize profits. Either way, I would bet that unless its a larger AND higher res screen it'll be a no upgrade for a lot of people.

As long as it comes with improved build quality. And an update to the joy-cons.

but I would like an increase in performance and especially an increase in RAM. Also if they would increase the storage speed, and add a dedicated decompression chip that would make a huge difference in perceived speeds

I imagine there is some truth to this. Obviously Nintendo is going to keep their mouth shut about a new switch model because they don't want to hurt current model sales... but it makes sense why they had no news regarding BoTW 2 in the latest direct. They're going to release it with the new model.

I was really hoping for 1080p in handheld mode, but that might use up the battery too fast.

Hopefully 1440p support as well. I don't have a tv and play on the second half of my crg9 lmao

@dkxcalibur Another thought I just had: I don't know the specific reason you're trying to get away from the joycons, but if it's drift, I did use this repair kit to great effect. It's probably better to use the replacement sticks as opposed to opening up the stick assembly and cleaning it yourself because my drift issues started to come back on (admittedly rare) occasion after a couple of weeks. Getting the stick assembly open and put back together was pretty tough too.

Also, some good guide videos I used:

I actually find it kind of fun to get into my stuff and repair it myself, so you might consider it. Just another option, though I don't blame you if you just don't want to.

As long as the new switch has a slot for snes and n64 carts, I'll be good!

“Is you is....? or is you ain’t my constituents!?”

A Switch Pro is so 2019...

I'll be interested in hardware revisions the day they're officially announced by Nintendo.

@MrMichaelJames It's true that a modern chip might be able to handle 1080p with the same power consumption as the current chip does 720p. That modern chip with 720p would have far lower power consumption than the current one though and the Switch is not very good in terms of battery life currently. A new chip with the 720p screen could potentially solve that problem.

Also, in my experience and on this screen size, OLED can easily have a greater impact on the picture quality than a 1080p lcd screen would have. OLED 720p is also probably still more expensive than 1080p lcd, so we can't really say Nintendo is being cheap here either. 1080p OLED would be even better of course (if the games actually run in 1080, which I doubt happens all the time), but let's be honest the price for that screen would directly be paid by us, they would just make the entire Switch Pros price higher.

Personally I think a 720p OLED screen is the best case scenario since, no matter how you frame it, 720p will mean lower power consumption overall. On that screen size 720p also isn't really that bad in the first place (phones screens are massive overkill in that regard).

So to summarize: 1. 1080p is pretty much only an advantage if the game actually runs in that resolution, that will not always be the case. 2. OLED will already provide a much better picture quality, even without 1080p. 3. We can expect much better battery life in an 720p OLED setup, which I think the Switch could really use (unless the better chip is mainly used for better overall graphics, increasing the power consumption again. That would be fine by me as well.)

All that is assuming that the new Switch is significantly more powerful than the old one. If that is not the case, than a 1080p screen would make no sense in the first place.

@Baobab #208 "unreal engine has the DLSS support included in a recent update"

That's cool! So it IS becoming a feature that can be implemented with a flick of a switch, at least for games using popular engines.

@TruthisRare Seriously. It's absolutely insane they haven't fixed this yet.

@GrailUK I can't imagine it doing native 4k. considering it's nvidia tegra hardware, I'm betting 100% it's a newer generation nvidia tegra with DLSS 2.0 built in so it can render at 4k using that tech, so it's not nativev 4k just AI 4k

Well, a few months into the future technically isn't "any time soon" so maybe the official reveal will happen in the near future. Man, I want a Switch Pro so bad!

Bluetooth support...that's all I want.

My current theory is they've had the Switch Pro ready for years, but they've been holding it back out of spite because people keep leaking it.

Only 720p again in handheld?

@CupidStunt yes and the correct decision. This is mid gen refresh so we are still gonna be looking at games hitting 720p max resolution. No point going with 1080p screen when hardly any games would hit native Res. 720p game @ native resolution will look far better on a 720p screen over 1080p.

@CupidStunt My guess is that one reason 1080p may be an issue in handheld is due to readability of text. Some games already have hard to read text at 720p. Keeping the same resolution but increasing screen size and quality could relieve the readability issues in handheld.

My switch is a bit tatty now and the joycons are busted so i want a new switch and am holding out for the upgrade.

@BoFiS The switch is the same size. They are making the screen bigger by making the bezel smaller.

PS Vita uses OLED screen 10 years ago. It took Nintendo a decade to finally catch up.

@Giygas_95 Good suggestion, but I tried repairing one of my three drifting sets. The results were great at first, I successfully took apart both the left and right joycons, pulled the sticks out and replaced them with replacement sticks. However, IMO, the replacement sticks were not the same quality of the actual Nintendo sticks. Both the feel of the thumb pad and how they responded were subpar, and the worst thing of all, they developed drift in about 2 months.

@dkxcalibur Yeah, there are a lot of third party ones out there, and from what I hear the quality varies quite a bit. It'd be nice if we could figure out how to get replacements of the exact same kind as Nintendo uses.

I wonder if there'd be a follow on update to the Switch Lite using OLED screens? I'd love a clamshell!

@AnnoyingFrenzy Bahahah i was thinking the exact same thing. Every year and its always wrong. but I supposed that's how they will be right haha. If they say it every year and it eventually gets announced they can claim they were right

Man, do we have alot of NintenDoomed moles or what. Now Switch is going eye to eye with xbox/ps5 with 4K and naysayers can't stop their incoherent ramblings. Even if a SuperSwitch arrives we still get people trying hard as they can now saying it can't do 4K. That's the saddest life story of themselves.

Disappointed the screen will only be 720p. I feel like the handheld screen as is holds the switch back quite a bit. Maybe this one will at least be a little bigger. I expect a very modest upgrade.

The Tegra chooser used in the Switch was outdated 6 years ago. They could easily move up a level and it still remain completely compatible with older games and be able to upscale and improve on the new hardware. A sharper screen with less of a bevel should be a given. It would have to be compatible with existing joy con though.

The Graphics will always be controlled by the GPU being able to ramp up power to 4k or lowering to 720p portable that's what it's made to do. Why do people keep harping GPU can't do this. It's because they are afraid that a Switch can do that in a smaller package and that's the part that scares them the most. And as units come closer and closer to retail they grab onto any straws they can to tear down the Switch that it can't push 4K(Docked)-remember this but they are so blinded by their phantoms that it's almost pointless now to tell them otherwise. Also I recall Nintendo asking Developers to upgrade their games to 4K compatibility or did alot misread this part as well. This should've been a clear indication what was coming down the pipe but people keep harping so they wouldn't forget this was mentioned.

@NoTinderLife Yep it was an absolute game changer wasn't it, really boosted the sales of the Vita no end...

@dimi Yes, but Nintendo uses Nvidia and they can use DLSS to achieve 1080p and beyond easily.

@NoTinderLife They made the plastic screen for kids lol.

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