America stinks at recycling plastic. Why don’t we care? – The Morning Call

2022-05-14 13:15:00 By : Ms. Tanhill Intelligent Bed

Most homes in my neighborhood have a blue bin, sometimes two, at the curb every Wednesday morning for recycling pickup.

Some are filled to the brim with plastic water bottles. Others have vegetable cans, beer and wine bottles, cardboard, newspapers and other items.

I’ve always had the impression my community does a decent job at recycling. I was sad to learn we’re not making much of a difference, though.

A recent report says Americans are dismal failures when it comes to recycling plastics.

The recycling rate last year was an estimated 5% to 6%, according to research by two environmental advocates, The Last Beach Cleanup and Beyond Plastics.

“Factoring in additional losses that aren’t measured, such as plastic waste collected under the pretense of ‘recycling’ that are burned, instead, the U.S.’s true plastic recycling rate may be even lower,” they concluded.

The previous estimated rate was about 9%, by the Environmental Protection Agency in 2018. The EPA hasn’t published an estimate since.

The recycling of plastics has always lagged behind other materials.

From 1980 to 2018, the percentage of cardboard and paper that was recycled rose from 21% to 68%, according to the EPA. Glass rose from 5% to 25%. Plastics rose from less than 1% to only 9%.

“The high recycling rates of post-consumer paper, cardboard, and metals prove that recycling can be an effective way to reclaim valuable natural material resources. The problem lies not with the concept or process of recycling but with the material itself – it is plastic recycling that has always failed,” says the report from The Last Beach Cleanup and Beyond Plastics.

They called for better policies to reduce plastic waste and pollution.

Some cities, including Philadelphia, and some states, including New Jersey, have banned plastic grocery bags. Lehigh County considered a ban late last year but the county commissioners did not take a vote.

There also are bans in some places on plastic containers for takeout food, and plastic straws.

The long time that it takes plastics to degrade in landfills, and the damage that plastic litter causes to the environment, particularly wildlife, is a big problem.

But I am not in favor of banning things just because some people don’t know how to properly dispose of them. I made more enemies than friends when I criticized straw bans several years ago.

There are convenient opportunities to recycle plastic grocery bags. Too many people just refuse to do it.

Many grocery stores have bins to take back the bags for recycling. I return a bundle every time I go shopping.

Those bins also take plastic films, too, such as the wrappings on cases of bottled water, napkins, paper towels, bread and other products.

But, the reality is we all could live without plastic grocery bags. They’re weak. They’re flimsy. They’re annoying to pull apart when you use the self-checkout.

It would take a while, but people would get used to having to take their own reusable bags when they go shopping.

If there were more opportunities for recycling, I believe — at least I hope — more people would recycle their plastic.

Residents of some communities, including a few in the Lehigh Valley, can put plastic grocery bags and flexible plastic packaging — such as Bubble Wrap, drink pouches, potato chip bags, shredded cheese bags, laundry pod bags and shrink wrap — in their curbside recycling bins.

I wrote about the new recycling opportunity a few years ago when J.P. Mascaro & Sons was the first in the nation to offer it, starting in Pottstown.

The service since has been expanded to other communities including Alburtis; Palmer Township; Souderton; Warminster Township; Ambler; Norristown; Whitemarsh Township; South Heidelberg Township; Lower Providence Township; and Wyomissing.

That hopefully will become more mainstream, giving more people more opportunities to recycle plastic. J.P. Mascaro & Sons is still the only hauler offering this service, though, spokesman Frank Sau told me Tuesday.

Municipalities must have recyclable containers with lids to qualify for it.

Other packaging that can recycled through the program are pouches from pet treats, snack food, candy, wipes and baby food; bags from salad, bread, pet food, meat, cereal and food storage; diaper wrap packaging (no diapers new or used), air pillows, case wrap and paper towel wrap.

For recycling to increase, there must be more opportunities to recycle in public. A lot of what we consume is done outside of our homes.

I laud Wawa for offering recycling at its stores. I just wish more people took advantage of it. I’ve seen many lazy or inconsiderate people drop a recyclable bottle in the trash, right next to the recycling container.

Golf course trash cans are full of empty water bottles and beer cans. Why not have a recycling container next to the trash? Because it would take effort for someone to empty and maintain it, I suppose.

I stuff my empty water bottles in my golf bag to take home and recycle. I figure I’m doing my part. I just wish others would, too.

Morning Call columnist Paul Muschick can be reached at 610-820-6582 or