Say Samal, the minister of the environment, praised a Cambodian company that makes straws out of rice and vegetable matter instead of plastic, which he claimed is overused worldwide.
During the forecast period of 2021-2028, the edible straws market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 10.14%, from its documented value of USD 209.03 million in 2020 to USD 446.96 million in 2028.
Straws made from plant-based ingredients like rice, wheat, fruits, vegetables, sugar, and corn are known as edible straws.
They are biodegradable devices used for drinking beverages, as per Fresh Plaza.
According to Tith Sokhom, owner of the company TK&D Manufacturing, the straws are made from natural materials like rice, corn, potatoes, and pandan leaves and come in a variety of colors.
The business, which was launched in September of last year, is the first of its kind in the Kingdom.
The businessman started to consider whether Cambodia could take action to lessen its use of plastic after observing the production of environmentally friendly goods in other nations.
She and her husband decided to start their business after a little deliberation. Utilizing imported machinery, TK & D creates straws from rice flour that are combined with other goods.
Sotheara, who works for the General Department of Taxation, told The Post that they are very effective and last long enough to drink a large drink.
Although the straws are made out of rice flour, using them won't cause them to dissolve.
She advised eating the straw after finishing your drink. If you don't want to do that, you can dispose of it; it will quickly decompose into dust.
According to the business's owner, TK&D can produce more than 100 boxes of straws per day in the Krakor district of Pursat province, where it employs more than 100 villagers.
The business is gradually entering new markets, such as Sna Dai Me Market and Makro Supermarkets.
Although these are not the first green straws to be sold in Cambodia, all of the others are imports.
Finding these products seems challenging because the market is small, the supply is low, and the demand for such kinds of products is not as high as it ought to be.
The cost of a box of 50 TK&D rice, potato, corn, or carrot straws is only 10,000 riel. Sokhon expressed his gratitude for the environment minister's observation, saying it was encouraging to hear he had seen them.
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The food service sector, which includes hotels, restaurants, and cafes, has developed as the main market for these goods.
These eateries use edible straws with a variety of drinks, including milk- and coffee-based drinks, fruit juices, cocktails, and cold drinks, as per Data Intelligence.
The market is highly fragmented, with numerous suppliers offering a wide variety of goods to serve customers all over the world.
These producers are concentrating on creating new flavors and using new, more affordable, sustainable raw materials that provide superior features without sacrificing the consumer experience.
In terms of material, rice and wheat emerged as the top two categories, with 60% and 20% of the market's overall revenue, respectively, in 2020.
Due to the importance of rice in Asian cuisines, Asia Pacific markets like South Korea, China, and Vietnam are leading the market in the consumption and production of rice-based straws.
Another important factor that will probably change the market environment over the forecast period is the growing trend toward gluten-free products.
Due to the high nutritional composition of wheat, consumer interest in edible straws is declining.
The most important factors in purchasing edible straws are taste and durability.
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Tags Cambodia, straws, edible straws, Fruits and Vegetables, replacing plastic
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