Editor's note: Former Wilton state representative Chris Balch requested space to respond to the article about the article from InDepthNH. Patch is publishing his response in its entirety below.
As many know, I've written several recent LTEs and an opinion piece, all based on science that challenges current forest management practices, especially during a climate crisis.[1]
Of course, I cannot comment specifically on any cases pending against me, but I will address a few things in the InDepth NH article entitled: Former State Rep Charged in 'Eco-Terrorism' Case
I would first note that if a person were to spike trees, and also put warning signs on the trees (perhaps quite a bit more securely attached than the article suggests), then that person would obviously be making more of a non-violent, direct action statement as opposed to an act of "terrorism."
Direct action is aimed at bringing attention to, slowing, or potentially even halting future events that are perceived as harmful or destructive.
This is very different than the actions of terrorists. Without giving any warning, terrorists act against other people, often by threatening or taking lives. Confusing direct action that is aimed at preventing destruction mis-defines the true meaning of the word terrorism - perhaps to purposefully associate activists with terrorists, and therefore cast them in a disparaging light.
The article states: "As a legislator Balch pushed for a ban on single-use plastics, a bill to restrict the use of plastic straws, a regional greenhouse gas initiative cap and trade program, and an official Climate Awareness Day proclamation, among other efforts."
Among those "other efforts" are 23 more sponsored and co-sponsored bills for banning styrofoam, eliminating the use of toxic pesticides on school and municipal playgrounds, teaching about climate science and climate change in schools, a carbon cash-back fee for polluting industries, raising the net metering cap to allow private and municipal generation of energy by solar, hydro, or wind, protecting the voting rights of college students, and sixteen more "other efforts" all in a similar vein. Though some of my bills were adopted by other states, publicized nationally by the Associated Press[2], few passed the NH House and Senate, and none made it past the Gov's record veto year.
Also from the article: "The state, as well as the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, will harvest wood from forests in order to fund operations as well as manage the land and create better conditions for wildlife, Savage said."
The SPNHF's definition of "wildlife" is suspect. Wildlife biologists generally agree there are somewhere around 60,000 species of living things in a New England forest. Mammals and birds, which make up the general definition of 'wildlife' by forest managers, total about 300 species, or fewer than 00.5% of the total living community. The other 99.5% of the living community is either 'harvested' or collaterally destroyed. That huge percentage is entirely ignored in forest management plans.
And finally: "'It seems somewhat hypocritical to me to sit in your wooden house, print a sign on paper that comes from wood, and then go into a forest and drive spikes into trees and say it's done for the trees,' Savage said."
People routinely drive fossil-fueled powered vehicles to rallies and events protesting fossil fuels. It is impractical to ride a bicycle or horse longer distances and those who seek to make a positive change in the world must use the tools available to do so. This is not hypocrisy. Rather, it is necessity, and those failing to preserve our natural world by their actions and inactions create that necessity.
I would add that what really is hypocritical is using forests to generate profits while proclaiming to the public that you are "protecting them" and improving conditions for "wildlife.
There is quite a bit more I could say here, but my legal situation precludes me being able to address every concern.
I leave you with this Edward Abbey quote: "It is not enough to understand the natural world; the point is to defend and preserve it. Sentiment without action is the ruin of the soul."
Chris Balch, Wilton, May 25th, 2022
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