Since 2016, there seems to be an assault on Gainesville. For those of us who remember what it was like before, it’s hard to believe this is the same town we’ve known forever. Gainesville was known as Tree City, USA, for good reason. We had a beautiful city with a healthy tree canopy of mature hardwoods. There were mandates for green spaces, setbacks, parking, and density. But that’s all changing. Now if you drive down University Avenue, 13th Street, or NW 5th Avenue or visit Porter’s Quarters or downtown, you see massive development everywhere. This is because our City government has been changing the rules to make Gainesville developer-friendly.
The most depressing example is the NW 5th Avenue neighborhood, the historical heart of the Black community. It is bad enough that a developer is building a massive luxury student apartment complex on 5th Avenue, but the worst part is that it is being built on land bought by the Federal Government’s Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Department for low-income housing. This apartment complex is about a whole city block in a small residential neighborhood. Residents hired a lawyer and appealed the staff’s decision to allow this development to go forward “by right,” at considerable costs of litigation. At a meeting last year, over 100 people voiced opposition to the Administrative Law Judge, to no avail, because City staff said that the developer was complying with the 2017 Land Development Code, which gave him the right to build despite public opposition.
Now the next battle of Mayor Poe’s final term is looming, a renewed plan to consolidate all residential zoning and allow “small-scale multifamily development” up to quadruplexes, with no occupancy limit throughout the city. City officials are eliminating whatever little bits of code we had left before they leave office. Two of the commissioners supporting this “inclusionary zoning” plan, Harvey Ward and David Arreola, are running for Mayor. If there is enough public outcry at the upcoming meetings, we could delay this vote until after the City elections in August. Two housing workshops were canceled last week, which resulted in the removal of the initiatives from the May 26 Plan Board meeting, but the workshops have now been rescheduled for June 1 at 6:00 p.m. and June 4 at 9:00 a.m., and a special Plan Board meeting has just been announced for June 6. Once the Plan Board approves, it will go to the City Commission for approval as an ordinance in June or July. If approved there, it will be irreversible. Citizens will not be able to undo the plan. It is now or never. Contacts for organizations that need help are at the bottom of this article.
To understand what is happening now, we need to look at what has changed in City government in the past six years. The shift began under former City Manager Anthony Lyons, who was hired in April 2016, and the subsequent hiring of Wendy Thomas as Director of the Department of Doing, the new name of the Gainesville planning department. The name change was to let developers know that the City was ready to do business. Lyons had a degree in Art History and no previous experience in city management. Thomas left Bozeman, Montana, under a cloud of discontent, where she supervised the City’s comprehensive plan, which led to a public outcry by the organization “Save Bozeman.”
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In a letter to the Bozeman Chronicle, Save Bozeman asserted that “adjoining neighborhoods were not invited to participate in the NCOD code update process. In addition, public notice indicating potential stakeholder impact was minimal and inadequate as indicated by the utter lack of neighborhood awareness or involvement in a process. Further, public documents indicate that a number of task force members appear to have had a clear conflict of interest.” This echoes what is happening in our city.
Under the Gainesville code that was approved in 2017, no development plan requires a public hearing by the Development Review Board, the Plan Board, or the City Commission unless the developer is seeking a zoning change, a variance, or a special use permit. The public only gets a “Neighborhood Workshop” in which the developer tells the residents what they are going to do. If the developer complies with the code and has staff approval, the public is unable to modify or stop the development as the developer is able to claim the development is “by right.”
In August 2018, with little public engagement, the Department of Doing proposed a massive rezoning initiative called GNV RISE after the City had months of mobilization to sell the ideas to the public. Hundreds of people showed up at City Hall in opposition. They wanted changes in the pace and style of development and, even more important, a greater say in such decisions. Over sixty people spoke against the plan, while only three people spoke in favor of the Department of Doing’s plan, including future Commissioner Reina Saco, an ally of Mayor Lauren Poe. Wendy Thomas soon resigned, and her former Deputy, Andrew Persons, became head of the Department of Doing, which was renamed the Department of Sustainable Development.” Lyons was forced to resign as city manager and now is vice president of AMJ, a local development company that has gotten almost $2 million in concessions from the City for a downtown hotel and planned high-rise.
During COVID, with a 4-3 vote, the city commission in 2020 approved three-story triplexes anywhere in Gainesville, any neighborhood, as accessory dwelling units, ADUs, and what’s proposed now would increase that to quadraplexes with no limits on number of bedrooms or occupants and no parking requirements and almost no setbacks from the properties around them, I think is the gist, meaning more demolitions, more destruction of trees and loss of yards and gardens and the green spaces they give the city, for free — Florida Park and Kirkwood and other tree-covered neighborhoods are like the lungs of the city — to make way for new apartments owned by corporate investors, changes made to give “predictability” to developers but no predictability for any homeowners or homebuyers anywhere in the city.
The Mayor and the Commission justify their actions as efforts to increase affordable housing and equity. They also assert that infill will stop the destruction of forests in the county. However, the City incinerates trees for electricity, burning countless thousands of gallons of diesel to destroy forests and transport and chip and incinerate them, releasing carbon and calling that “renewable energy.” The City is billions of dollars in debt to Wall Street for its tree incinerator, and the commission is looking at adding another. And if you drive in any direction outside our city (except the predominantly African American communities on the east side), you will see that trees are being clear-cut as fast as possible. None of the developments built in these areas are affordable or low-income. The need for affordable housing is not going away with the massive infill. It’s getting much worse. They are tearing down affordable housing to build high-rise student apartments.
Mayor Poe implied that those who disagree with his planning vision are racists or NIMBYs. I’m not sure how he made that leap. At the commission meetings, numerous African American community leaders spoke out against Poe’s plan, including Aaron Green, former mayor and a resident of the 5th Avenue neighborhood; Roberta Parks, the 5th Avenue Neighborhood Association chair and a resident of the neighborhood for over 80 years; and Faye Williams, spokeswoman for the Porter’s Quarters community. None of them believed that Poe’s plan was going to be good for Black or poorer communities in Gainesville.
Back in 2016-17, Poe, Adrian Hayes-Santos, Ward, and Arreola all touted their progressive ideas and promised to “protect neighborhoods” and promote green spaces, greater economic equity, and increased social and racial justice. We thought life was safe and good in Gainesville and all that we had to worry about was Trump, the destruction of American democracy, and the death of our planet. Ever since they were elected, they’ve been chipping away at every protection we used to have. Many of us who value justice, the natural world, and our local community are disheartened and even disgusted by what has been done by these so-called progressives.
If we want to stop the destruction of what we value in our city, we have to speak out now.
To get more informed and involved, follow Gnv Neighbors on Facebook.
Read articles and sign up for email at Gainesville Neighborhoods United at
Contact Save Gainesville by email at
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Agenda 2030 down and dirty does not want yards looking purty
Completely business and city planning ignorant Poe, Lyons, Ward, and boy Hayes have created one disaster after another. Lyons’ damage was limited because of his organizational racism where he refused to meet or listen to the two African American women commissioners, resigning immediately after they called as special meeting to discuss his conduct toward them. Good riddance but the other three also have zero education and experience in such matters but act as know-it-alls. It makes you wonder why the 3 quit their jobs to make $40k per year with the city? Most people probably reasonably believe their is surely something in it for them. Stop this mess now by ridding Gainesville of these ignorant know-it-alls FOREVER by never electing them to anything above dog catcher for the rest of their lives!
(this might be the same Jeff Gehmann that wants to close the Public Libraries)
Close the public libraries, not needed since the city Is providing free internet.
Bullwinkle uses how many screen names?
Swampee Magee is Bullwinkle. Stop trying to pull a fast one.
P. Floyd ended up confessing about something
Can someone with some real, actual planning and successful business experience step up to the plate and sacrifice a few short years to serve as Mayor and Commissioners? Please! Why do we only have these terrible people to choose from? The good common sense commissioner was Todd Chase, a successful business man and proud veteran. Please someone, step up now.
I’m Ed Bielarski and that’s exactly why I am running for mayor. I have 40 years of business management experience largely as a CEO or General Manager. I was a CPA, have a BA in Accounting and an MBA in Strategic Management. I ran GRU for 7 years, until the commission got tired of me speaking truth to power. Now it’s my turn to speak truth to the people. I am the choice you are asking for.
come on, it writes itself…GRU scams humanity and so does Bielarski
Anyone with common sense knows Harvey “Two Face” Ward is a closet $o¢ialist. Anyone who votes for him is an knucklehead.
He continuously “doesn’t know” or wants “more information” but he still votes to silence the voices of residents and raise taxes.
Anyone who wants to continue with this idiot as part of local government is an even bigger idiot.
These Candidates presented are openly operating against the citizenry
Thank you Mr. Bielarski. Yes, you’ve got to be much more knowledgeable and better suited for this than the ones we’ve had the last 8 or 9 years. Thank you. Now we need several more for commissioners. Who else will step up? Please register for all open posts.
Ok Ed. Show up and protect our single family neighborhoods and win and you win my vote.
Yet, Poe lives in a fairly nice neighborhood with manicured lawns, not even one duplex to be seen as far as I know, and maybe 2% Black people (if that). He’s a flim-flam artist and liar, like most Democrats. I’ve started thinking of them as Devilcrats (worse than Demoncrats). Don’t vote Devilcrat anymore. Why doesn’t the anti-supporting/communist “professor” live downtown or somewhere diverse and inclusive?
that should say: … antifa-supporting/communist “professor” …
I agree. Lauren Poe is one that seeks to rule from an ivory tower like other democrat elitist that he considers himself to be. As only a small city mayor, he sees himself in with Nancy P and BH Obama living by their top adage: It’s good for thee, but not for me. What a guy.
It’s the old leftist “shut up and bend over” command, because “we’re experts!” Somehow, control of he city and county needs to be clawed back from their ever-grasping hands.
I’m afraid that won’t ever happen. Too many people would rather wax poetic about paper straws and equity (not equal opportunity). They will never be convinced that anyone without a “D” behind their name is worthy of even a consideration for their vote.
The bloodhound is a large scent hound, originally bred for hunting deer, wild boar and, since the Middle Ages, for tracking people
if HidingForensics is your game, then USA Law Enforcement ain’t got no shame
This article is a Tornado of Truth
Let the development happen where the residents want It, on the eastside.
It’ll never happen. As soon as somebody proposes a 10 story unit on the eastside, the greens will explode saying it threatens Newnan’s lake and the gators on Paynes Prairie.
The rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer? The government will pay $1000 to house a homeless Person. The great reset. End homelessness, end world Hunger, stop climate change, universal basic income, End fossil fuels…WHO will be in charge of you calling A quarantine 2 months out of the year to stop global Warming. Zero waste. Lucifer is in the details. Loss of freedom & liberty. Take away the guns. Everyone will be equally miserable. Stupid commie Sheeple.
Everyone from Grace will be placed in those $1000/mo 1 bedroom units and taxpayers will be subsidizing that Mess and citizens will have to deal with open container problems and convict vagrants occupying those Neighborhoods. They want to load us up with bums
“Taxpayer dollars” is what retired haters say when they have lied their whole life
swamp. I’m still working and pay more than a commissioners salary in taxes. What do you mean by that comment?
Swamp must be in public housing.
“Taxpayer dollars” aren’t really paying for anything
Beautiful Flower finds a way, Beautiful Flower grows each day
The irreversible damages is: Brandon & Shwab & WHO wants To house all the homeless for free and your dollar Will be worthless due to the printing of $. All part Of the great reset & redistributing of wealth. Coming To a neighborhood in the USA near you..
keep electing these commies and this is what you get…period!
Thank you LEE MALIS and Alachua Chronicle for this information
This is a modern version of the old real estate practice of blockbusting. The secret supporters of the Gainesville Commissioners are the real estate sales agents in Western Alachua County. They have far more five acre ranchettes for sale than they have customers. . How to pump up moving? Simple. Trash Gainesville into a hellhole no Good White Christian Republican wants to live in. Every Conservative will move West, buy a five acre ranchette, put up a fence and a Confederate flag, buy an AR-15, and enjoy sovereign citizen status in the new Whites Only Springs County where Republicans can hate gays, persons of color and abortion and love White Non Jewish Jesus and Brother John Birch. Yee haw Utopia. $$SSS it’s all about land sales. . Thank you real estate sales agents for deciding to blockbust the City of Gainesville.
Nah, they’re just leftist communists who want to ruin Americana as most of us have known and loved it. From the deranged self-proclaimed “professor” mayor with delusions of grandeur to the spoiled Cuban girl living out a leftist fantasy at the expense of real people (she apparently still requires her chaperone to keep her from shaking her middle finger at people).
@multiple personalities…spoken like a highly educated liberal knucklehead. Wonder which one of Poe’s balls he lets you play with? We all know Harvey is playing with one of them.
Brother John Birch is pretty cool and so is Yee haw Utopia
The John Birch Society is an American right-wing political advocacy group. Founded in 1958, it is anti-communist and supports social conservatism
Thanks to the First Amendment, the JBS is allowed to exist. Same for the American Nazi Party the American Communist Party, and the Republican National Committee. The First Amendment: protecting the rights of fascist hate groups to exist since 1791. Take a little time today to love the First Amendment as much as you love the Second Amendment.
AR-15 style rifles come in many sizes and have many options
workshops have now been rescheduled for June 1 at 6:00 p.m. and June 4 at 9:00 a.m., and a special Plan Board meeting has just been announced for June 6
Massive Scam – The public only gets a “Neighborhood Workshop” in which the developer tells the residents what they are going to do. If the developer complies with the code and has staff approval, the public is unable to modify or stop the development as the developer is able to claim the development is “by right.”
Best. Alachua Chronicle Article. Ever.
The constitution has private property rights as a founding bedrock principle, a given even greater than the bill of rights. If you want free stuff in a progressive college town and want to keep “welcoming” illegal job stealers who don’t know English or have drivers licenses getting in wrecks driving up our insurance rates and tax bills, then we must have more taxpayers living in the city limits. Most Fla. cities have age 55+ communities but we have students. Same difference. The constitution also mentions the pursuit of happiness, and people have feet. Vote that way, then.
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