Moment for Clarity - Daily Times

2022-09-17 00:37:29 By : Mr. Kelvin Shum

Your right to know Friday, September 16, 2022

For a while at least, an eerie unity prevails across countries as angry sounds of animosity die down whenever tragedies of unprecedented proportions come knocking at the doorstep.

The exceptional monsoon season and the ensuing record-breaking floods have also triggered a similar sense of solidarity where people from every walk of life are stepping forward with whatever they can spare to help their brethren, However, with no respite on the horizon, the gaping hole is said to be far bigger to seal.

And as the state representatives are desperately clutching straws, making appeals to whoever would listen for flood relief, vicious propaganda on social media threatens to undo all goodwill. In a heated cat and dog story, several accounts are peddling reports of donated wheat bags being sold in the open market.

While the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) immediately jumped to the fore with clarifications against the politically motivated agenda, the dye had already been cast. Sindh Information Minister Sharjeel Memon rightly lamented how “more than 600 people (had) circulated the picture while tagging international agencies and the United Nations,” in what could only be called a deliberate attempt to splash muddy water on the provincial government. The debate is still far from over because even though there might not have been any evidence to corroborate the authenticity of this claim, a humanitarian organisation had also confirmed the distribution of similar bags among the afflicted.

The World Food Program is actively overseeing the provision of edible items to the flood-impacted regions; joining hands with the UK, Canada and Japan. Therefore, the best foot forward would be one laced with foolproof evidence and an irrefutable trail of the ration bags. It was, indeed, a foolhardy exercise to jump to nefarious conclusions on the basis of a single photograph and wash the dirty laundry in front of the whole world.

That Pakistan still needs to be explained the extent of the calamity it is reeling under and how the onus of one of the biggest rehabilitation campaigns lies on every single shoulder, not any particular political party, remains the deadliest predicament. If the tremendous cascade of misinformation deters the international community from standing in our corner or suspends the relief operations, would the social media warriors come forward to help the government feed and clothe 33 million people at the mercy of never-before-seen climatic disaster, wreaking havoc in all corners across the country? *

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