Two major environmental bills are about to take effect in New Jersey, causing major changes in the way restaurants operate.
A ban on plastic bags and foam containers and new regulations for takeout containers and bottles have forced restaurant owners to purchase more expensive, environmentally friendly products.
While many restaurant owners embrace the change as an essential step for the environment, they also have some concerns. Restaurants are still foundering from low profits during COVID, high food prices, labor shortages and inflation.
“The only bad thing about it is the timing,” said Stephen Chrisomalis, owner of Steve’s Burgers in Garfield and North Bergen.
The ban on plastic bags begins on May 4.
The bill states that food service businesses, retail stores and grocery stores will not be able to give out or sell single-use plastic bags or polystyrene foam containers. Paper bags are allowed, except in grocery stores larger than 2,500 square feet. Reusable bags made out of fabric, hemp, nylon and other washable fabrics can be given out or sold.
Already in effect is a ruling that plastic straws be provided only if a customer asks for one.
Businesses affected by these rulesinclude restaurants, cafes, delicatessens, grocery stores, coffee shops, convenience stores, vending trucks or carts, food trucks, movie theaters, cafeterias, pharmacies, liquor stores, drugstores and retail stores.
“I’m not against it,” said Rafael Vargas, owner of the food truck Zoelily Empanadas. “But right now we’re seeing such a huge rise in costs, it’s hard to buy more expensive packaging. It won’t affect places like Walmart and Target as much. But for small businesses, we have to count every penny.”
Another seismic shift for food businesses is the passage of a recycled materials law.
In January, Gov. Phil Murphy signed a bill that requires rigid plastic containers — like those often given out for takeout orders — to contain at least 10% postconsumer recycled content by 2024. Plastic drink containers (bottles) will have to have 15%.
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“Postconsumer recycled content” is a material that has been used and discarded because it has reached the end of its “product life cycle,” according to the bill. In layman’s terms, plastic containers and bottles will have to be made with a certain amount of recycled material by 2024.
The percentage of recycled materials necessary will raise incrementally. The cap will be 50% postconsumer recycled content by 2036 for plastic containers and by 2045 for plastic drink containers.
Glass bottles will also have to be made out of 35% recycled material; 20% for plastic bags; and 20% to 40% for paper carryout bags, depending on their size. Regulations will also be put on plastic trash bags. Foam packing peanuts will be banned by 2024.
Since the pandemic started, postconsumer materials have been hard to find, said Alex Mazzucca, co-owner of Seed to Sprout in Avon, which makes vegetarian meals with organic ingredients.
“This transition is going to be interesting because of the timing,” she said. “Every week there’s something we can’t get.”
She has used compostable, biodegradable and postconsumer recycled products since the restaurant opened nearly 10 years ago.
“We’re so happy about this bill,” she said. “The food industry takes a huge toll on our environment. We want to be able to put out as much food while making the smallest environmental impact possible.”
The onus to create new containers and bottles out of recycled materials will rest largely on manufacturing companies. But more expensive materials will translate to higher prices for takeout containers and bottles. Ultimately, restaurant owners will have to pay that difference.
Vargas, of Zoelily Empanadas, separates his empanadas into different containers and gives plastic bags for folks to carry those containers. Without the bags, he said, the customers will be inconvenienced.
But he is less concerned about losing his plastic products and more dismayed by the lack of government help.
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“The guidance is non-existent,” said Vargas, who is still working out the details of the recyclable bill and how it will affect him.
Gustavo Gutierrez anticipated the ban on plastic when he opened Cubita Café in Nutley earlier this year.
“Change is the only constant in this industry,” he said.
Gutierrez built recyclable bags and containers into his business plan. He uses gray containers from the brand Earthchoice, made out of recycled materials, and paper bags stamped with Cubita Café branding.
“To be honest, they look nicer than those plastic ‘Have a Nice Day’ bags,” he said.
On principle, Gutierrez is willing to pay the extra money to use more sustainable materials. Clemence Danko, owner of ChocOPain, which has locations throughout Hudson County, agrees.
"It’s the right thing to do, and it’s about time we take this type of measure to protect the environment,” Danko said.
Chrisomalis, of Steve's Burgers, has made the switch to paper bags and recycled containers, but it did cost him. Creating a stamp to brand his paper bags cost more than $1,000. His paper bags cost about $1 per bag, whereas plastic bags cost about 10 cents.
“With food costs and inflation, people are hurting,” he said. “I just wish the state would help small businesses out instead of putting more regulations on them.”
Not to mention, he said, that paper straws are entirely impractical for his thick milkshakes.
A slower rollout of environmental regulations when the supply chain has straightened out would have been more viable for small businesses, Chrisomalis said.
However, he ultimately agrees with Gutierrez, who said, “At the end of the day, it’s a small fee to pay. We’ll wish we were paying 10 cents extra for a bag when we don’t have a planet for our kids to grow up in.”
Rebecca King is a food writer for For more on where to dine and drink, please subscribe today and sign up for our North Jersey Eats newsletter.