Chapter 1058 of One Piece, "New Emperors," finally confirmed all of the Straw Hat Pirates' bounties coming out of Wano. Here's what they are and why.
Once the Raid on Onigashima was over, Luffy was the only one whose new bounty was revealed. This seemed odd at first. It was almost as though the rest of the crew's bounties remained the same, despite their own contributions to the Raid. However, that's no longer the case.
The 1058th chapter of One Piece, "New Emperors," finally revealed the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates' bounties following the Wano Arc. Some of the increases were about what was expected, but others were surprising in either how high or low they were. Here's a look at each of the Straw Hats' new bounties coming out of Wano and the apparent reasoning behind them.
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Starting with Luffy, his new bounty has long since been known to stand at 3 billion Berries, just like Eustass Kid and Trafalgar Law. This presumably has to do with the three of them sharing the credit for defeating Kaidō and Big Mom. Since the then-Emperors were worth q combined total of approximately 9 billion, that total might have been split between the three captains. With that said, Luffy did manage to cement his place as a new Emperor.
Below Luffy, Zoro, Jimbei, and Sanji all became worth over 1 billion Berries. Zoro's bounty was raised to 1.111 billion. This is presumably for defeating King, who was worth 1.39 billion. Sanji's was raised to 1.032 billion; this is presumably for defeating the Queen, who was worth 1.32 billion. Naturally, Zoro mocked Sanji for being worth less than him.
Jimbei somehow got a bounty of 1.1 billion Berries, even higher than Sanji's. This would normally come off as odd as his greatest opponent in the Raid, Who's-Who, was only worth 546 million. However, it's possible that Jimbei's past reputation prior to joining the Straw Hats added significantly to his notoriety. With this, Luffy's three Commanders have been established, or so it seems.
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Nico Robin also got a notable spike in her bounty. She's gone up from 130 million Berries all the way up to 930 million. Her bounty was likely inflated since she's the only one who can read the Poneglyphs, as it has been in the past. This, coupled with the fact that she's now officially part of an Emperor's crew, makes her much more of a priority.
Chopper only received a minimal increase as part of the running gag of him being seen as the Straw Hats' pet. He's now gone up in value from 100 Berries to 1000. In fairness, however, this is a 1000% increase of his former bounty, which is far more than any other crew member can boast.
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The rest of the crew received an increase of 300 million Berries to their bounties. This disregards who they fought or what they were worth before. Thus, Nami is worth 366 million, Brook is worth 383 million, Franky is worth 394 million, and Usopp is worth a whopping 500 million; as an aside, that latter bounty is what Luffy was worth coming out of Dressrosa. Considering how bounties of the Tobi Roppo they faced ranged between 220 and 480 million, this is a pretty fair increase.
With this, the total bounty of the Straw Hat Pirates has gone up from 3,161,000,100 Berries to 8,816,001,000. Save for a few outliers, most of the crew did well, if not better than expected. This latest arc has gone a long way in proving that Luffy and his friends are truly worthy of being called an Emperor-level crew.
Marc York is a writer for CBR. He possesses an understanding of comics, video games, and movies, and his true expertise comes forth when it comes to the topics of anime and manga. His knowledge spreads to the past, present, and future of both the anime and manga industry, especially when it pertains to titles under the Shonen Jump banner. Marc also likes to write about the movies he's watched in theaters; these aren't officially published articles, but they may be seen on his Facebook page here:
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