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At this point, it’s probably quite safe to say that most folks watch the Kardashians not because they actually want to see how rich folk live or learn a thing or two about success, but rather are wondering “what ridiculous thing will they come up with next?”
The family is known online to be extremely out of touch with reality, with Kylie Jenner’s unorthodox approach to cutting cucumbers, Kylie’s and Kris’ adventures at the drive-through car wash, and now Kylie Jenner’s 3-minute flight with a private jet.
And, as you might have already guessed, folks online were very unhappy about it because of how unnecessarily un-eco-friendly this entire display of luxury life was.
More Info: Celebrity Jets Twitter
So, Celebrity Jets, an automated Twitter account that reports private flights by celebrities, reported on July 13th that Kylie Jenner’s private jet took off from Camarillo Airport in California and reportedly flew 3 minutes to Van Nuys Airport.
In context, these two locations are 40 miles and roughly the same amount in minutes apart if you’re traveling by car. But screw that and screw Earth, because taking a jet is apparently more than 10 times faster, minus all the prep work to even get the jet ready for flight and all that jazz.
This was supplemented with an Instagram post from Kylie with a black-and-white picture of her and her husband, hip-hop artist Travis Scott, trying to decide whose private jet they’d take for the trip.
Well, the first ten or so comments, including those of other Kardashians, were all “hooray”, but then we get to the real internet part where folks had their hands up asking “what the heck, Kylie?!”
OK, so let’s break it down. For the most part, much of the reaction amounted to calling Kylie a “Full-Time Climate Criminal” for flying private. Why? According to Transport and Environment, private jets can be anywhere from 5 to 14 times more polluting than commercial planes and 50 times more polluting than trains. And while technically cars aren’t as CO2-effective as planes due to the gas to passenger per distance ratio, even that would have been much less polluting than a private jet given the distance.
Hence, folks were complaining why the majority of the planet now suddenly has to choose paper straws and wooden cutlery and paper plates and eat less beef and cycle to work and recycle everything and reduce waste and you get the point, while Kylie takes a 3-minute flight and negates all of that with a snap of the finger.
This is besides her bragging about her wealth, which some folks had a problem with. Such a move not only is very not good for the environment, but it also enforces the idea that the lower classes need to now alter their habits so that rich people can get away with literal planetary murder in the form of air travel.
The worst part is, Kylie Jenner takes very short flights quite regularly. Like this 12-minute one, and this roughly 4-6 mile flight, and this 17-minute flight, and this 6-minute fight… you get the idea. Sure, there are 25-35-minute flights reported there too, but that doesn’t help the case that she’s flying very often, and each flight means tons of emissions that we as a species are trying to minimize.
You are more than welcome to read through the comments where people reacted to this on Instagram, Twitter, and even Reddit. But before you go, share your thoughts and opinions in the comment section below!
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Robertas, nicknamed the Comma Inquisitor by friends, is a Bored Panda writer and content creator. After his studies at LCC International University, where he got a BA in English Language and Literature, Robertas went on to do freelance teaching, translation, and copywriting work, primarily specializing in IT. He spent nearly three years writing about all things Wi-Fi, eventually being picked up by Bored Panda. Whenever there’s free time, he spends it playing Gwent, or hosting Dungeons & Dragons sessions for his mostly chaotic neutral team.
Saulė is a photo editor at Bored Panda with bachelor's degree in Multimedia and Computer Design. The thing that relaxes her the best is going into YouTube rabbit hole. In her free time she loves painting, embroidering and taking walks in nature.
At what point do we say the mega rich are too rich and too self important?
I think we are saying it regulary, but nobody cares, as the politics is riddled with people like these.
The thing with people like the Kardashians is that we as a society allowed them to become what they are by buying their products, watching their show, etc. The only thing that will stop them is that we collectively say we don't care and we are not going to consume anything from or about them. But there are many who obsess over them and keep them where they are.
Honestly I am not against the Kardashians at all. I want them to enjoy life and do all these awesome things. The problem is it shouldn't be just for certain people to enjoy all this world has to offer. We literally live on the same goddamn planet with the same resources. Yet people are being denied a good life and all this world has in it. Because obviously some of us are seen as unworthy, bullied and restricted from living a pretty awesome life. We're holding people back intentionally and only allowing a small percent of people to really thrive and do whatever we like during our time here on Earth. That's what's really sickening to me. I want that existence for all of us and to be able to live comfortably and really thrive and do and have everything in this world. That's how it should be! But so many of us are being locked out from that by some really powerful, greedy, arrogant, stupid, people who control everything on this planet.
Sounds like a good idea except plastic is extremely unhealthy for the human body
I think we've all been saying it for all while - but they are in bed with the politicians or they are the politicians so I don't see change happening in the near future.
We are close to if not beyond a point of no return to climate change because of these people.
This is exactly what I posted on another page. The hypocrisy of asking people with little resources to make all the efforts when in reality it makes no difference in the face of what these super-rich and big companies are doing is driving us straight into the wall. And I'll make myself the devil's advocate here, but if millions of people are willing to fuel her lifestyle by worshiping her, then why shoud she not ? The problem goes both ways.
I agree... it goes both ways... I don't have Instagram because I cant stand how much vain people can be and how many people up vote / like / heart it (I wouldn't know)
There were people, who instead of donating to a decent charity, donated to Kylie Jenner because she was only a few million short of a billion. Oh the patriarchy am I right.
At what point do we say the mega rich are too rich and too self important?
I think we are saying it regulary, but nobody cares, as the politics is riddled with people like these.
The thing with people like the Kardashians is that we as a society allowed them to become what they are by buying their products, watching their show, etc. The only thing that will stop them is that we collectively say we don't care and we are not going to consume anything from or about them. But there are many who obsess over them and keep them where they are.
Honestly I am not against the Kardashians at all. I want them to enjoy life and do all these awesome things. The problem is it shouldn't be just for certain people to enjoy all this world has to offer. We literally live on the same goddamn planet with the same resources. Yet people are being denied a good life and all this world has in it. Because obviously some of us are seen as unworthy, bullied and restricted from living a pretty awesome life. We're holding people back intentionally and only allowing a small percent of people to really thrive and do whatever we like during our time here on Earth. That's what's really sickening to me. I want that existence for all of us and to be able to live comfortably and really thrive and do and have everything in this world. That's how it should be! But so many of us are being locked out from that by some really powerful, greedy, arrogant, stupid, people who control everything on this planet.
Sounds like a good idea except plastic is extremely unhealthy for the human body
I think we've all been saying it for all while - but they are in bed with the politicians or they are the politicians so I don't see change happening in the near future.
We are close to if not beyond a point of no return to climate change because of these people.
This is exactly what I posted on another page. The hypocrisy of asking people with little resources to make all the efforts when in reality it makes no difference in the face of what these super-rich and big companies are doing is driving us straight into the wall. And I'll make myself the devil's advocate here, but if millions of people are willing to fuel her lifestyle by worshiping her, then why shoud she not ? The problem goes both ways.
I agree... it goes both ways... I don't have Instagram because I cant stand how much vain people can be and how many people up vote / like / heart it (I wouldn't know)
There were people, who instead of donating to a decent charity, donated to Kylie Jenner because she was only a few million short of a billion. Oh the patriarchy am I right.
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