The ordinance is now redundant following New Jersey's statewide plastic bag ban
Secaucus has officially repealed its single-use plastic carry out bag ban, although the move follows the state of New Jersey’s ban and only seeks to remove the now-superfluous ordinance.
The town was one of the first in Hudson County to enact a ban in 2019 when it first adopted its ordinance prohibiting the use of single-use plastic carry out bags in retail establishments and promoting the use of reusable carry out bags to reduce plastic pollution.
Now Mayor Michael Gonnelli and the Secaucus Town Council have determined that the ordinance should be repealed as current laws and regulations have been enacted by the state address this. The state’s new law took effect on May 4, and includes a ban on polystyrene foam food service products and mandates plastic straws by-request-only on top of banning single-use plastic carry out bags.
According to the ordinance, the council will now support the new law through the education of local businesses and residents and enforcement efforts. As a certified Sustainable Jersey community, the town strives to promote environmentally-friendly practices and sustainable growth through a variety of initiatives.
The council voted unanimously to adopt the ordinance repealing its single-use plastic carry out bag ban ordinance. After the meeting, Town Administrator Gary Jeffas confirmed the ordinance was being repealed since it was now trumped by the state law.
“We did ours a couple of years ago,” Jeffas said. “So now the state’s takes over.”
Read the ordinance online at:
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