Umm. . .ever slurpped in that paper straw with the slush? Ugh! IKR! Well. . .Musk shares your sentiments. He recently tweeted to end the whole ‘Straw War’ thing, apparently rallying for more sturdy straws. Elon remarked that paper straws taste like cardboard!
Meanwhile Pune techie Pranay Pathole, Musk’s twitter buddy replied on his post, drawing a 100 emoji reaction from the Tesla boss.
Patole’s memed on the chhotu wooden spoon that comes with ice cream cups. The spoon apparently leaves a woody texture in the palate with the cream scoops. However it’s not that yuck tbh! True ice cream connoisseur would not only wipe the cup’s lid clean but also slurp clean the wooden spoon.
Dunno about you but Patole’s tweet exchange defo makes me crave for another scoop of vanilla!
While most called out Elon Musk subtly endorsing the plastic sibling of the paper straw, few seem to agree.
Dogecoin creator Shibetoshi Nakamoto remarked that ‘Paper straw suck at sucking.’
paper straws suck at sucking
While another user called out the whole gimmick of packing paper straws in plastics!
The biggest honks sell their products now with paper straws - that are provided in a plastic cover 🫣
Another user called out the irony of using a paper straw in a plastic cup! Which other users pointed out could be recycled. How long would you recycle though?
🐢 happy
While concerned tweeple took Musk’s tweet to the shedwoods
say that to these guys…
Plastic straws are killing the ocean among other things so we need biodegradable ones. I thought you cared about the environment ?
Some eco warriors recommended a few products that could be good alts for toxic plastic straw and light paper straws.
You can try this wild grass straw then. This wild grass species (Lepironia articulata) is found in India 🇮🇳. This grass can eliminate single use plastics straw🥤completely from our planet 🌏. Currently, Vietnam is the only country supplying this grass straw globally.🤗
But have you ever seen an agave straw? They’re way better than paper! It feels so right drinking tequila out of an agave straw 👌🏻
Straws made of coconut leaf, reusable 5-6 times
Best of both worlds - glass straws.
Pasta straws are the single best invention. After the straw usage is finished, just add some tomato sauce and dinner is served 🍝
Musk believes that the whole straw war is emblematic of larger social issues. Now what would that be?
The straw war is emblematic of larger social issues
Plastics have short and long term impact on the environment especially the marine ecosystem, however it's our nonchalant plastic attitude to the whole thing that's even more toxic. Maybe it's time we abandon what once was an absolute necessity to available alternatives. Of Course you wouldn't put icecream in a paper bag. That’s silly. The least we could do is avoid plastics where it’s not absolutely necessary. Hey Elon while you enjoy your slurpee this one’s a drink for thought!
See Also: Elon Musk's Tweet About Buying Coca Cola Next "To Put The Cocaine Back In" Has Left Twitter In A Frenzy