Q. What’s “greenwashing”? — R.R., Odessa, Texas
A. According to Dictionary.com, a “greenwash” is “a superficial or insincere display of concern for the environment that is shown by an organization,” while the Cambridge Dictionary says that a company engaged in greenwashing aims “to make people believe that [it] is doing more to protect the environment than it really is.”
Consumers have grown more concerned about the environment in recent years. So while some companies are making their products more environmentally friendly (such as by using more recycled materials or reformulating packaging), others are exaggerating their dedication to the environment.
As an example, a company may stress a (possibly small) positive thing it has done while not mentioning many negative things. Carmakers may tout the more fuel-efficient vehicles they’re making without revealing that they’re lobbying hard against rules that require them to do so. A big coffee seller touted new cup lids that did away with plastic straws, but those lids reportedly used more plastic than the old lid-plus-straw combo.
Q. What percent of my income should I invest? — Q.F., Brattleboro, Vermont
A. The answer is different for each of us, depending in part on our age, income and projected needs in retirement. Consider aiming for 20% of your income. If you’re young, that can get you started saving early, and all that money will have decades in which to grow, which can be extremely powerful. If you’re older, there’s a good chance you’re behind on preparing for retirement, so saving aggressively now can help make up for some lost time.
All investors would do well to consider investing via low-fee broad-market index funds, such as those that track the S&P 500 (or the entire market).
Most, if not all, investors can build great wealth via long-term investing in the stock market — without ever buying or selling stock options. But it’s still worth knowing a bit about options. Imagine wanting to invest in Iditarod Express (ticker: MUSHH), known for its slogan, “When it absolutely has to get to a remote corner of Alaska in a few weeks.” You can buy some shares the usual way — or you can use options. There are two main kinds of options contracts: “calls” and “puts.” Owning a call gives you the right to buy a certain number of shares, at a specific price, within a certain period (typically a few months). Owning a put gives you the right to sell a certain number of shares at a specific price within a certain period.
Imagine that shares of Iditarod Express are trading at $50 per share. If you expect the shares to rise in value soon, you could buy 100 shares for $5,000. Or you might buy, say, $6 “October $55” call options. In that case, $600 would get you the right to buy 100 shares at $55 each until the calls expire in October. If the shares rise to, say, $65 before the options expire, you can exercise the options and buy 100 shares for $5,500. You can then keep them — or sell them at their going price, for $6,500. Since you paid $600 for the options, your profit is $400, less any commissions and taxes.
If those MUSHH shares fell in value, though, or didn’t rise much, your calls would expire worthless and your $600 would be entirely lost. You essentially wagered that the stock would top $61 per share — $55 plus $6 — by the October expiration date. Options are enticing because they let you amplify gains or hedge against losses. But they also often expire worthless, losing all the money you paid for them.
Option-trading strategies range from somewhat conservative to risky. Learn much more before trading in options — or just avoid them altogether.
I spent thousands of dollars on various services, trying to learn how to make a lot of money day trading, so that I could retire early. This goes all the way back to the days of Wade Cook (about 20 years ago) and Online Trading Academy (10 years ago). I wanted to learn how to time the market and make a quick buck. I realize now that those were all very dumb investments.
Now, for the past few years, I’ve been regularly investing in quality stocks that I found through The Motley Fool. I’ve done well — without having to get up every morning to spend hours in front of my computer placing buy and sell orders. Had I been investing before the way I do now, I would have been able to retire early. — M.S., online
The Fool responds: Many people are understandably drawn to suggestions (or promises) that they can get rich quickly, but there’s no reliable way to do so. Usually, the ones getting rich are those selling their training services. The two outfits you mentioned, for example, ended up in hot water with the Federal Trade Commission, charged with having made false or unfounded earnings claims while selling expensive courses. Both settled their cases, and the Online Trading Academy’s founder and others ended up paying millions of dollars and turning over assets.
— distributed by Andrews McMeel Syndication
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