TGIF–and that is a fact!
With Preakness Week within our grasp, today we decided to kick things off with a visit to Willowdale Farm in Butler. It is home to two extraordinary things: Dr. Michael Harrison and Farmacy Brewing. There’s lots going on there, but let’s start with the good doctor and nationally recognized equine veterinarian.
As you might have already guessed, horses are a big deal in Maryland. As a matter of fact, the Maryland Horse Breeders Association, of which Dr. Harrison once served as president, states: “Maryland. We grow horses.”
Dr. H pointed out that over 800 foals were born here last year. Here are some other facts: the industry employs 28,000 people, making it one of the biggest employers in the state; the industry generates $78 million in tax revenue; there are 10.5 horses per square mile in Maryland, or roughly 101,000 total.
Besides that, horse farms make up a quarter of the state’s agricultural land. On top of that, 88,000 equine acres will be preserved as farmland here–forever. And the industry spends $80 million a year on feed, hay and straw.
Horse farms are 25% of the states agriculture land. 88,000 equine acres are preserved as farmland. Forever. Also worth noting is that t he industry spends, per year $80,000,000 on feed, hay, and straw. And you thought children were expensive!
Aside from the spotlight events–the Black Eyed Susan, the Preakness and the Triple Crown of Steeple Chase racing–Maryland stands out as a nationwide leader in the horse industry.
In 40 years, Dr. Harrison has delivered more foals than he can count. His Willowdale farm, his family’s home, is just beautiful. And where horses do not graze, he and his children grow crops that make up the ingredients of the very popular Farmacy Brewing (get the vet tie-in?).
Like other breweries and wineries, Farmacy has great tasting areas, nice outdoor seating and a fine selection of brews made from crops grown right on the property. It’s a darn good labor of love. In other words, it’s not a bad place to visit for a weekend trip if you’re looking for something fun to do soon.
(As always, be sure to check out the website for hours, rules and other details.)
It was a great morning, and it’s been a great week for “Where’s Marty?” And next week is shaping up really well too! And it is because of your support. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Behind the faces you see on WJZ at 9 there are a lot of others making this machine run.
Have a good weekend, be safe, and find ya some fun!